
Why protect dangerous species ?

by Guest32497  |  earlier

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It might sound like an ignorant question but I had to ask it. I love the environment and respect but why are we protecting species such as sharks, crocodiles, and other dangerous species ? My guess is that they help regulate the ecosystem by killing other species. Still if they pose a threat to the safety to others why nt exterminate them ?

I know it sound extreme and I love all animals but I dont wanna lose my hand/ leg when surfing.

Also what attracts them ? Should I wear my orange shorts or my black ones ? I know it sounds stupid but I saw a fin once kind of raised my heat beat :D :D





  1. Because we need to provide make believe job for government workers, you need to get with the program.

  2. Cougars are protected,,why i don`t know, they are killing  the deer and elk herds

  3. because every animal is a part of the ecosystem, which is a hunter for something, and hunted by something else, just because an animal has the ability to hurt a human, does not mean they should be exterminated.

    The extinction of one animal can have serious effects to many other species that rely on it. It would cause an imbalance in the ecosystem.

    and the thign about shark attacks, I once read somewhere that more people are killed by their refrigerators falling on them, than shark attacks.

  4. things are out of whack, and that is a bad sign, and maybe at this point we shouldnt even bother to protect anything.  about the only creature that isnt in short supply in the world is the human being.  Sharks and other predators would almost never attack a human when there is enough to feed them, they usually prey on the weak and sick, keeping the rest healthy for humans to hunt as trophies.  At this point, if we reintroduce predators or protect them, there should be studies done to make sure that there is actually prey for them to eat, before they make a nuisance of themselves killing lifestock or surfers.  As for the shorts, well, dont wear white and dont bleed into the water.

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