
Why should fur clothing be banned?

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This is what i have so far: Eliminating the fur clothing industry, can stop the cruel, malicious treatment towards animals

I need different reasons about why fur clothing should be banned.

Please answer as soon as possible...I am in urgent need of help. Thanks.




  1. does crocodile shoes count as fur?  get the F off the fur protests, all my female friends love the fur coats they have.

  2. by killing off a specific animal for its fur it throws off the whole wildlife habitat in that area. take seals for instance. if a bunch of seals are killed for fur and taken out of the area then there could be an overabundance of the fish they eat witch in turn the over population of this specific fish would eat more of whatever they eat, stripping the sea in that area of the algeas and whatnot that other sea creachers need to survive. also, the polar baers that eat the seals would have no more seals to eat so they would have to move into other areas, some of wich might be populated by people and all of a sudden you got a polar bear in your back yard chewing on your family pet and animal control would have to come out and shoot it.

  3. This is why it should be banned:

    Download this video and you'll see.

  4. because it's cruel!! and the animal could be endangered!!

    how would you feel if a species much smarter and more dangerous than us used humans as skin coats?

  5. People are extremely greedy, if they know how to harvest fur by quota then there are no problem, but they will harvest until animals will be extinct.

  6. I see no reason why it should be banned, just like I see no reason why eating meat, wearing down filled coats and jackets, or having leather shoes should be banned.

  7. If a certain species is close to extinction, that type of fur needs to be banned.  It's a similar concept to the ivory trade.  A ban on the sale and distribution of ivory tusks has reduced the killing of African elephants.  Hopefully, furs from certain near-extinct species will have the same effect.

  8. I personally believe that U.S. Americans are unable to do so because, uh, some people out there in our nation don't have fur, and, uh, I believe that our education like such as in South Africa and, uh, the Iraq everywhere like, such as and I believe that they should have fur, our education over here in the U.S. should help the U.S., er, should help South Africa also get fur and should help the Iraq and the Asian countries to get fur, so we will be able to build up the fur for our children.

  9. Sorry, but I have some good reasons for fur.

    In Australia, rabbits and foxes are doing unbelievable damage to the environment.

    Fashion fur provides a market for their skins, and an incentive to get out there and kill as many of these pests as possible.

    Besides, after you eat rabbit stew, it would be wasteful to throw away the skin.

    I'm against animals being bred solely for their fur, but if it's coming off some feral fox that is no longer killing dunnarts and bilbies, you should be PROUD to wear it.

  10. h**l no. I'll be damned before some animal loving, Michael Vick hating, tree hugger is telling what i can and can't wear.

  11. Because you are treating the animals like dirt when they were here long before us.

  12. I am not against fur coats. I'm against hunting threatened or endangered species. Wearing these coats was what helped up humans get here in the first place. I do want to make it clear though that I am against animal cruelty.

  13. in order to produce a fur coat, some animals must be killed, and usually these animals are killed very young, and their meat is useless.

    some of these animal species are nor farm grown but hunted, and could very easily become an endangered species.

    an exception are leather jackets, which are made from cows.

  14. wth?!

    fur=dead animal

    that `s all!!


  15. i personally think its a bunch c**p and i think people are just gonna still keep hunting

  16. No, I do not think it should be banned.  You specifically said "industry," not wild caught fur.  

    I will not vote, nor try to sway the public away from ranch/farm raised fur.  

    I will NOT vote away yet another persons rights.  I will NOT help pass yet another law to try and control people and what they do.  

    If you do not like fur and leather goods, they just don't buy them.  Simple as that...don't buy them.  Do not try to control the rest of us, and force your values and morals on us however.  

    By the way, just because I will NOT vote against the fur industry does not mean I will wear their products.  I also support the right for women to be able to choose to have abortions or not.  I'll not vote that right away.  But just because I'm pro-choice does not mean I'll ever have an abortion.  I simply see the reason and the need to keep such laws in place.

    When they put a ban on hunting cougars with dogs, cougar attacks on humans and their pets skyrocketed in just a few short years.  Since cougars are no longer chaised by hounds, they have lost their fear of dogs.  So now the pet black lab in someones yard just looks like a meal, no longer something to be feared by the cougar.  So now cougars are making a choice...the fat black lab, or the three year old child playing outside...which one for lunch.

    Enacting laws that ban the fur trade grossly embolden organizations like PETA.  If PETA had their way, people would eat no animal products, and wear no leather at all.  They have no right to try and force their will on me.

    If you are against it, then do not buy the NOT try and force your will on other people.


    Homesteading/Farming over 20 years

  17. You are never going to stop people from getting a fur jacket or what ever else they want made out of fur, that's like trying to ban people from eating meat. You create a underground network when you start  to ban a product, kind of like prohibition.

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