
Why since I have become vegetarian?

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I have learned to cherish animals more than ever.. I feel horrible if I see a dead animal on the ground[ I have always felt this way but now it's this sad feeling] I know it's normal.. Have any of you felt this way? I cried when my butterfly died...




  1. i think the longer u eat meat u become desensitized to such things, abit like if u watch a lot of murder videos it doesnt affect u when u see them. Our family is vegan and my daughters get so upset with my husband when he mows and cry because he is mowing over thhe ants 'homes', and if we walk on a path with ants, we get thorougly lectured, and they r very upset. the worst for me is where i live in the country u see trucks with cows in it off to the slaughter house. i feel so angry. it makes me sick. those poor innocent animals. why cant humans eat lentils instead? its so unfair. nd dont get me started on chickens and the way they have to live

  2. I think once people begin to disconnect from seeing animals as a food source we stop living in denile and know that animals are a living creature like us and they have feelings too.

  3. yea ive definatly found that since becoming a vegetarian i have even more sympathy for animals. i cant even watch someone fish without feeling ill.

  4. I feel the same way.  I was running outside the other day and I saw some dumb teens drive over a squirrel.  It was lying their and squirming.  I just felt ill in my gut and wasn't able to run well anymore.  I also felt really bad when I accidentally stepped on a worm.  Just that feeling of killing a living thing.  I just became a vegetarian for a little over a month, but I always hated seeing fish sliced open in a supermarket.  Or when they hang chickens, ducks, and piglets on those hooks.  It would always make me cringe.  I knew that one day I would be done with meat for good, and I'm glad that it finally occurred.

  5. because you realize they are percious and should be respected of course your gonna become more intune with the world around you its only commonsense and natural

  6. i think it's normal.

    Most people are veg because of feelings tword animals, i know some do it for health reasons only, but most are concious of the pain and anguish animals go through to end up on our dinner plate.

    I personally can't help but read everything i can on the meat/ food industry and animal rights. I want to know what is happening to my food and where its coming from, so for me, i know too much, lol. And thus think too much about it.

    And when i see an animal in pain, or dead on the side of the road, it really makes me sad. Have you ever seen Animal Cops on Animal Planet, there are various cities, but that will get you everytime. And i think it's only human to be affected by the pain of poor creatures who can't help or defend  themselves.


  7. My 17 year old daughter is the same way, she helped me realize so many things about animals than I ever realized. Think it's because you are more conscious about where foods come from since you no longer eat meat. Good luck! I no longer eat cow meat myself, but I will eat chicken!

  8. That's normal to an extent. A genuine respect for the life of animals has pervaded your life and now you feel sad to see them die, whether it's a natural one or not.

    You're probably a very sensitive person to begin with, women tend to be more emotionally connected than men to these things, and some people are especially fragile. I tear up watching ads on TV about rescue shelters for abused animals, or every time I watch a documentary about how horrible things are in Darfur, or even over some commercials.

    And now that you don't eat meat you consciously think about and consider how animals experience pain and death much like human beings do, except they might not understand or think like we do about it. They are very simple, like very small children in a way, and mostly worry about survival over inevitable death.

    It's just human beings, with our endless feelings of magnamiousness and worthiness, that makes us create epic religious stories about how we'll live on forever, how we're so much more than a body rotting into the ground at death. In the end we are animals too, we die and we are gone. Everything ends in death. But the life the animal lived should still matter, and just focus on not contributing to the pain and suffering of others (by recognizing that we could easily have been born an opressed person or species and it is purely by chance that we are the person we are now).

    I think there's an aspect of maturity that most people attain at some point where you learn about death and accept it, sometimes if you haven't had close ones die or pets die when you're younger it can happen when you're much older, even an adult. I was mostly naive about death and it really affected me to finally be really, honestly confronted about it when I was in the US Army. Not only did I have to study in the health field and see dead people or people dying, but I was constantly conscious of the fact that I could die for my country too, at any time.

    But don't let it completely overwhelm you - it's not healthy to think about death a lot. We all die, that's how it is, and animals are not exempt. If you find yourself feeling really depressed and thinking about death a lot, you should talk to someone about it. It's easy to let negative thoughts take control but it's hard to sometimes notice until you're very depressed that things have gotten out of control.

  9. yea

    im a vegetarian


    been one 7 years

  10. YES! You're not alone. Before becoming veg, I was sypmathetic to the plight of animals. But after adopting the lifestyle, I am *overly* sensitive about animal death and abuse. I cry EVERY time the ASPCA commerical (w/ S. McLaughlin's song) comes on. I look at the animals' sad little eyes and my heart totally breaks!

    I hear you - being more aware of other creatures' lives and souls is very difficult when faced with their death and struggle.

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