
Why some people are too pessimistic?

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Why some people are too pessimistic?




  1. pessimism creates a fly wheel effect. You attract what you think, so if you are pessimistic, you attract negativity into your life, when then re-inforces the original pessimism which then draws more negativity etc.

    They have to get off that cycle by changing their thought patterns, but they don't realize they can and must.  They believe the world is bad, therefore their world is bad.  

    It works the other way also, that is the good news.

  2. i wonder the same thing..i have no idea why some people get so mad at things that doesnt matter. maybe because i'm not hot-tempered, i dont know.

  3. Negative thought distortions coursing through their brains.

  4. This is a very objective question.  It would depend on who is asking.  Pessimism is in the eye of the beholder ;-)

    In general, it can be said that pessimism starts chemically in the brain.  It continues for many people to be reinforced when their negative outlook causes other people to avoid them.  This causes those people to perceive that negative things are happening to them, and adds to their pessimistic outlook.

    Without reading any more into your question, I will state that if it is a chronic pessimism, it is a chemically based problem in the same way as depression is.  If it is a problem, there are drugs that can give one a gentle chemical push in the right direction if they see their pessimism as a problem.

  5. Pessimistic am I?

    So, not!

    Because simply, I am not a negative, so unfavorable, or so contrary to such things! It would just tire me afterall!


    I am an optimist not a pessimist!

    Because I don't bowl on such things to make me more depressed! Besides, the real purpose of life for me is live satiably, and be a God-fearing person! Lovin it! And still 'Lovin It'...

  6. A pessimistic is an optimistic with too much data !

  7. I stay clear  of people that are pessimistic, they exist to bring others down to the level of negativity they feel.  I believe that some people are this way do to the circumstances in  their life such as:  finances, hate their jobs,problems at home,single parenting, stress in life.  If you can not help them, or they will not receive your help steer clear of them.

  8. There is rational, practical pessimism, and there is irrational

    pessimism. Irrational pessimism can be caused by depression.

    Irrational pessimism can also be created as an excuse to be


  9. When one's needs are not met, life is hard to go on.  How can one be optimistic in such a situation?

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