
Why some women do this?

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from personal experiences, not trying to offend anyone. basically girls who are employed at masculine jobs such as weight lifting coaches, corrections officers, or inner city school teachers, they show cleavage and flirt alot but if you attempt to hit on them they'll scold you and make you feel smaller than bacteria. just in general, I don't understand what teasing games they find entertaining or what... if anyone had an encounter like this back me up guys you know what I'm talking about




  1. I have heard of this happening quite a bit too.  I think they want to know that they are still attractive (don't we all) but want you to know you are not good enough.  But just because a woman dresses well does not mean she wants to be hit on, sometimes she just want to look good.  Often clothing to women has more to do with competing with other women, than attracting men.

  2. I think Tracey and the Mrs have summed it up.

    Regarding the competition with other females, this is where there are most often issues: because the competitors forget about the men around.  Teaching adolescents, this is most obvious when we have casual dress days at school: the girls compete outrageously.  That is why I have issues with the American education system that allows free dress. Uniforms are better.

  3. er, dunno what your talking about mate. never saw that.  

  4. school teachers? i thought that was a 'feminine' job? or does it vary from week to week?

    i don't know that many weight-lifting coaches or corrections officers, sorry. are you sure you're not getting confused with reality and your p**n videos?

    presumably they didn't mean to show cleavage, or don't see it as a invitation to sexual advances. In the same way that a male weight lifting coach might take off his shirt but might be a bit confused if a woman (or man) took this as a sexual signal.

  5. I can understand why some clothing styles and flirting can be confusing to men...just be respectful at all times....and if a girl likes you... let her come to you and hit on you. If the girl is outgoing enough to feel comfortable revealing massive cleavage, she will also feel comfortable letting you know she likes you and perhaps asking you out. I don't know if this helps but I can understand your confusion.

  6. i don't seem to encounter that problem.....only on here.....seamanab..  .

  7. If women were easily understood, florists would go out of business.  It reminds me of the Saturday Night Live skit on sexual harrassment.  If your a regular guy approaching a woman, your in danger of getting a complaint.  If your Tom Brady its okay to grope a breast.

    I think women in 'masculine' jobs still want to remind folks that they are feminine, thats why they may show more.  Besides a lot of women dress to impress other women (not g*y) rather than men.

  8. Big generalization. I don't think your personal experiences are valid worldwide. Ive got a female boss and she's great, all business, no flirting or revealing cloths.  

  9. You are confusing charm for something else.  Just enjoy the conversation.

  10. Pete, I know exactly what you mean. I think it is a form of control.

    Probably somewhat unconscious but not entirely.

    My wife works in a police department and she is constantly flirting with the the officers, bringing them goodies and whatnot.  

  11. Some women do it they do not fancy you, it's that simple. Others might ~ forget those who say no, and look for someone who will say 'yes'!

    But I'm surprised you find this in jobs such as police and corrections officer. I thought those jobs involved wearing uniforms, which hardly reveal a lot of cleavage.

    You may be seeing something that isn't there.

    Cheers :-)

  12. Perhaps you are mistaking friendly banter for flirting?

  13. A power trip.

  14. as a woman..I really want to wear s**y outfits everywhere, and not get hit on, because what I wear is just my style..if I wanted to get hit on,,I would have a sign on my back that said "hit on me"

    I think most woman try to be as pretty as they can,..but they don't see themselves as pretty..or s** when you hit on them it surprises them,,and they go in protection mode..try and be a little more subtle,,ok?

    but I can relate to s**y men being teases,,why do they have to be so s**y? and yet I can't get's just not nice.

  15. Flirting isn't necessarily a come on,quite often it's an end in itself

    and women dress more to compete with other women, than to attract attractive woman can have a man any time she wants...

  16. Maybe they're playing hard to get...?

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