
Why this universe created by god?

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man has to be depend on some one,then why so many people feel great them selves?




  1. 2 Different questions you have asked.I'll answer the main question.

    This was created by God so that human beings could evolve and free themself from the cycle of rebirths.

  2. Who said god created the universe?

  3. they feel great because they think they dont have to depenes on someone or many people admire or depepend on him  

  4. I really want to know too.

  5. No God - so no problem

  6. The universe is not created by any one. God is only owner of this universe and creatures may not know more than it as do not have enough power to know each thing. This is called ego but without ego you can not live.

  7. it wasn't.  There is no god

  8. When I look back in time I see cultures and civilization always looking upward. Always looking for a Greater One than themselves. It is almost  as if it is hard wired.

  9. They feel gret bcz they did sm great job.Bt remember feeling great & proud is much different frm each other.Feeling gret is nt good bt feeling proud is smwat good as u know excess of evrything is bad.......

  10. if GOD had created this Universe,tha GOD is also selfish because he was alone and wants something to love around him

    this question my brother no human can answer in this world,no one knows the purpose of this universe and why god had created us,we are just a advance bread of monkeys on this small planet who is like ant in this entire universe.though we had great mind that make something special

    all the philosophers like shankracharya,madhcharya, kant, aristotle can give varous arguemts for why god had created this universe but no one can give any logical answer

    the great indian philosopher shankracharaya had said that " how it can possible that metaphysical things like GOD or SOUL can have logical explanation not at all,they are beyond our physical and mental perception.

    so no one can answer why god had created ths universe and what is soul and all that,all can give arguments.

    god bless you brother,all the best for your future,its human nature to raise such type of philosophical questions,it is great.

  11. if GOD had created this Universe,tha GOD is also selfish because he was alone and wants something to love around him

    this question my brother no human can answer in this world,no one knows the purpose of this universe and why god had created us,we are just a advance bread of monkeys on this small planet who is like ant in this entire universe.though we had great mind that make something special

    all the philosophers like shankracharya,madhcharya, kant, aristotle can give varous arguemts for why god had created this universe but no one can give any logical answer

    the great indian philosopher shankracharaya had said that " how it can possible that metaphysical things like GOD or SOUL can have logical explanation not at all,they are beyond our physical and mental perception.

    so no one can answer why god had created ths universe and what is soul and all that,all can give arguments.

    god bless you brother,all the best for your future,its human nature to raise such type of philosophical questions,it is great.

    1 hour ago


    my philosophical knowledge

    vaibhav saxena

    philosophy honors 1 year student Hindu college delhi University

    wants to do top in delhi university

  12. God has created the beautiful world and he resides in it. the purpose behind it is to enjoy the joy of life. The manifestation of God is Joy. therefore when we experience joy we become happy. Happiness lies there.

  13. Blessed the mankind to live & let live.

  14. Man is always grateful to God No matter what.

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