
Why we need to recycle?

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I have a speech due on Tuesday. It has to be a persuasive speech and it has to be 1 min. I chose the topic We Need to Recycle. I need details of why we need to recycle. Here is what I have so far: We Need to Recycle... There is now more need to recycle. Our natural resourses are vanishing very quickly and that by recycling we can protect our planet. By recycling we can save our environment. Recycling saves the few resorces we have left. If we continue to waste we will run out of natural resources which give us oxygen. It is challenging to recycle and re-use. That is all I have so far. Please someone give me details.




  1. The Biggest reason to recycle is that it takes far less energy to recycle a thing than to make a new one. Energy is the key, as today our primary source of energy is from the burning of oil, which has a few well known consequences. Since a large portion of America's raw materials are imported, buying virgin(new) materials supports foreign jobs, while the recycling of materials supports American jobs. These materials include oil, bauxite for aluminium, copper, and even silicone. These materials are the building blocks for most of the things we need. As the prices of raw material go up, the demand for recycled material will grow, stimulating business to be more efficient(use less) and recover more, saving them money. If you want to convince a Boss to start(or let you start) a Recycling Program, bring up the money savings. The more that is recycled, the less that goes into the trash. This is called diverted material and in an office setting you can divert nearly 95% of all wastes, letting your boss buy a smaller dumpster, and save money. If you have a lot of paper waste, there are companies who will provide containers and regular pickup. Some will even pay you! Soon we can expect to see more Companies offer this kind of service for more materials, like glass, plastic, and aluminium. I would say the challenge is not just to recycle, but to be the entrepreneur who launches this next generation of start-up companies! Good Luck!

  2. We have to remember we are guests on this fine earth. BY recycling we are doing only a small part to ensure the youth quality air to breath, grass to walk on, & trees ( to climb of course ), we need to just be aware of the impact we as individuals have, wether it be good or bad. Karma is everywhere!

  3. If you think in terms of complete cycles, recycling makes the most sense.

    * example; after aluminum is mined, it is easily reused for pop cans over and over, so there is no more need for mining.

    So recycling has the potential to eliminate huge parts  of the process once a recycling loop has been closed.

    Recycling can also extend the life span of a material with several uses.

    * example; paper can be used several times before its fiber content is too broken down, some plastics like pop and milk bottles can be remade into carpet and Polar Fleece, the same plastic bottles can be made into Eco Deck or Trex, which last a long time and has zero maintenance vs redwood.

    I bet your community even has a place people can take their used Christmas Trees, and have them put through a chipper to make mulch that you can pick up a few weeks after dropping off the tree!

  4. becuase the land fills  up  fast  if  we  dont  recycle  and  i  recycle  everything  matel  alumi,  car-batti,  steel  copper  brass

  5. 1)reduces waste - all the waste we put in landfills should be bio degradable, but it's not.

    2)saves energy- it takes way less energy to recycle then it does to make it from scratch.  recycling one aluminum can saves about a cup of oil.

    3)conserves resources -

    4) it's not all that inconvenient anymore - automatic separating machines are capable of separating huge amounts different materials quickly and efficiently, they have been used in car recycling for many years.

    5)it's every ones responsibility- but it's only done by a minority of people, and a few industries where it can be profitable ie. cars, batteries.

    6)someone needs to find a way to make money out of recycling, then it Will take off and everything will be recycled.  maybe you can find it.  until then we can just do what we are able to.

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