
Why won't they breed?!?!?

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I have 2 male mickey platys and 2 female mickey platys and I want them to breed but they won't! The males just stick together and the females act like they want to breed but the males won't! Is there something wrong? iI keep the water as clean as I can and feed them properly but can not get them to breed! Any body that can answer my question as thoroughly as possible I will choose as best answer!




  1. ok, first things, first, male live bearers always want to breed, that is why

    2 females are needed for every male. Or else the females could get stressed to death by the males constant chasing. Chances are they have already mated, expect fry in a month and if you just got them then the females may already be pregnant from another male in the store. Just wait, that is all you can do. Good luck!

    Edit:Whats up with lulu and April?? Yes in the wild that might be mating season, but in captivity they breed whenever because we can replicate the temp in the wild so they think it is mating season, and mate. It has nothing to do with April, live bearers breed 24/7.

    : )


  3. Fish will breed once the conditions are ideal for them, which may include the right conditions and availability of food. Once you are able to provide them with the right conditions, they will pretty much breed on their own. I suggest keeping the water temp to around 78-80F,  this might help them along.  

  4. Research about the temprature of breeding water for your type of fish, you just may simply need to raise the temp. Good luck.

  5. ok first of all 1 male should have like 2 or 3 females.they also need a 70 degree to 79 degree temp.pretty hot.

  6. my platys did that until i figured out that i only had 1 male and 3 females. The one that my male hang out with was actually pregnant. You might want to put some ice cubes (not too many) in the tank to signal rain as if in the wild. Also try raising or lowering the ph of the water. What i would do (if enough room) would be to get 2 more female platys so the males can have some variation. Also try getting them ready to mate. Feed them high protein foods. Good luck =)

  7. All livebearers are better kept in groups of 3 females to one male but I doubt that is the reason.  Usually stress or poor water conditions are the answer.  4 platies would need a minimum of a 10 gallon tank.  You'd need to keep it well planted for them to feel safe.  There's also the possiblity that they are breeding and eating the fry.


  8. it's because it's not the mating season yet. most of the fishes mates in month of april. but if u have a heater for ur tank, then they can mate anytime during the season. don't try to make them breed why don't u let them breed when they want to? it's more natural way.

  9. try raising the temperature to 28c 82f this will encourage them to breed then u will have babies everywhere  platies can produce 100 fry but most platies deliver 60-80 babies

    once u have noticed that the females are pregnant it is best to move them to a breeder to protect the babies or they will eat them all  

    hope this helps u out  

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