
Why wont my budgie do tricks ?

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my budgie is a female albeno and it is use to my putting my hand in the cage and I try to teach it how to talk plz help me and tell me some tricks to plz




  1. Not all birds will learn how to do tricks, and budgies rarely, if ever, speak.

  2. Most budgies don't talk. Some do but you have to repeat words over and over. I know mine makes the exact sound my cockatiel does and says what he says. But my boyfriends does not say a thing even with his cockatiel saying "hello" 1259 times a day lol. Good Luck....oh and I don't know of any tricks. Sorry but good luck

  3. These things can build up a HUGE vocabulary.

    Don't underrate these things.  Budgies being dismissed is probably why their ability is less appreciated.

    With birds, It's a matter of how LIKELY the bird is to talk to you.  There are no birds guaranteed to talk, nor are there conditions in which a bird is guaranteed to talk.  It's all about odds and you can take the chances of your bird talking from "probably not" to "probably" at best.

    Of course breed factors in.  An African Grey Congo is more likely to provide positive feedback in a year that it's talking than your typical budgie.  They're also a bigger bird, and more clear immediately, so the owner is more likely to be made aware that it's not some meaningless chirps they're hearing while the parrot tries to learn.  So you're generally going to hear "African Grey" as THE bird when it comes to talking, and even a majority of those folk will write off the Timneh variety in favor of the Congo.  But the world record holder for largest vocabulary is in fact a budgie, so don't be discouraged.

    As for budgies, males are more likely to talk than females.  Not that females can't talk fine, though.  Again, we're considering likelihood, not possibility.

    The bird's gotta bond with you and feel totally comfortable long before any talking progress.  Basically it has to want to speak your language.  Having a second bird early on, or a bird that isn't close to you will reduce the chances of it wanting to talk like you.  Spend as much time with it as possible, as well.  Boring is it may be keep the training to one word.  Just say its name as you see it, or make it a point to repeat its name several times while talking to it.

    Don't expect quick progress.

    Under ideal conditions, you can go months saying the same word without hearing a mimic.

    Also, they speak very low, and sometimes sound like they've got a small radio in their beak, keep your ears open.

    Once they have a few words down it gets quicker and easier to expand their vocab.

  4. Not every single budgie out there will learn to talk, but with patience, it definitely might. Just pick out a few words you would like it to learn, and repeat them whenever you approach or play with her. If she starts to gurgle, that means she is trying to talk, and keep going! For tricks, you can use clicker training, to find out more about it look here:

    Hope I helped!

  5. theyre not big talkers. repeat the word everytime you talk to it. just take time.  

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