
Why would Georgia attack Russia?

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many sources are saying that Georgia attacked Russia. Assuming that they were correct why would Georgia attack Russia.




  1. Georgia was set up and then again Poland did attack Germany on Sept 1, the story goes..but it was a phony attack set up by the n**i's and the world did not buy this then but now they will as who

    wants to fight Russian NOW?  Certainly not Europe..this would be silly to think Europeans have any kind of backbone.

    Bush was outraged but the US has to many irons in the fire.

    Goergia will be like Hungry in 1956..sad but who is going to go to war

    against Russia? maybe Israel? As Israel took on all the Arabs states and won a victory.  I believe Israel could defeat a Russian attack.

    Read your Bible.

  2. Lying commie b******s.

  3. They attacked South Ossetia, and autonomous Republic that has never been part of Georgia except as part of an administrative district formed by Stalin in the 1920's.

    Georgia wants to control their land and for some reason attacked them after leaving them alone for 17 years.

    You'll have to ask Condi Rice and Karl Rove why since both met with the Georgian President Saakashvili a couple weeks before the attack. The Georgians were using Israeli and US supplied weapons and had been training with Israeli commandos for over a month.

    Them's the facts. Unless we hear from a whistleblower that attended these meetings we probably can't know what or who decided to attack the Ossetians and the Russian peacekeepers.

    We can probably guess why. There are 4 pipelines (gas and oil) running through Georgia. They are owned by mostly European firms and the oil has been bought to supply Europe...not the US. However more pipelines were under discussion with more US involvement. Presumably, they want to go through South Ossetia this time.

    Although the US wants to build missile and other types of bases throughout the region, Europe and Russia are divided on this issue since it is in their "backyard".

    So to answer your Q, Georgia attacked South Ossetia not Russia. The US and BBC news is muddying that fact for some reason of their own, though it is easily verified on the internet. There were many foreign journalists on the ground before Russia crossed the South Ossetian border to kick out the Georgian Army.

    They did cross over onto the Georgian side to take out ordinance left behind by the fleeing Georgians. They stated they were doing that and have since retreated to behind the Ossetian border where they are entirely welcome. You can see plenty of videos of them there on YouTube.

    Happy hunting for more answers! This is not an easy "search" but it is an interesting "game" to watch...  

  4. They lie. It's like saying Panama would attack the US.

  5. I do recall hearing two Russian military aircraft were shot down by Georgia and well that is an attack and look what the United States did in 2001 when Taliban Terrorists hi-jacked 4 airliners and the rest is history


  7. Georgia has never been hinted at attacking Russia. They have been hinted at attacking South Ossetia. Any source that says they attacked Russia is full of ****. Not even the Russians say that.  

  8. Another KGB lie Comrade

  9. Simply put...O-I-L.

  10. They also say that Poland is making themselves a target by accepting the U.S. missle defense system. It's the bully telling the teacher it was the smart kid's fault.  

  11. They didn't.  They attacked a part of their own territory that's in rebellion with Moscow's help.  Russia has no legitimate claim to Abkhazia or South Ossetia, but the Russians have no respect for the sovereignty of the former Soviet republics.  So they support rebellion in neighboring countries and then use the legitimate attempts to suppress rebellion as a pretext for launching an invasion.

    The worst part isn't what Russia is doing - anyone who knows Russian history will understand that this sort of thing is normal for the Russians.  The worst part is that the West just sits back and does nothing.

  12. Georgia wouldn't want to attack Russia because, Russia has stronger military and Georgia also has quite a few troops deployed worldwide. Not to mention this would cause major problems in joining NATO.

    Assuming that the sources are correct, I can't see any logical reason for Georgia to attack Russia other than in a counter-attack manoeuvre. For example Russia building an unusually high military presence on the Georgian border.

    other possibilities but, less logical;

    [] To speed up withdrawal of troops from Iraq

    [] Gain money and support from allied country in forms of aid.

    [] Raise awareness of Georgia's help of the US and UK.

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