
Why would a mother do this??

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I know a lady who has a 6 year old son, and his mouth is full of silver. It's not a grill, it's permanently in there. Why would you do that to a kid's mouth?




  1. Keep him inside the house if theres lightning.

  2. Well it may be caps. Silver caps are cheaper than the white porcelian one.  So many times poor peopl on Medicaid don't have a choice the govt pays for the cheapest thing.  He may have had really bad teeth that fell out and need spacers to hold the place till the permant teeth come in

  3. It may be because he had bad acid reflux as a baby and the acid wore away all the enamel, and so they had to cap the teeth. If he is young enough, they are just his milk teeth and they will all just fall out anyways, and he will have regular teeth when his "adult" teeth grow back.

  4. She probably left him in his cradle with a bottle when he was a baby, which you're NOT supposed to do: it can rot a baby's teeth if they have a bottle lying down.

  5. At 6 he has baby teeth. Silver is whats normally used for fillings in kids that young. He will be loosing the teeth for the next few years and getting his adult teeth. son had silver caps on his baby teeth ten years ago. Thats just the cheapest i'd guess. Since the teeth are going to fall out anyway.

  6. They probably capped them in silver because their insurance didn't cover tooth-covered caps or they don't have insurance and couldn't afford the tooth-covered ones. Silver is cheaper.

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