
Why would anyone vote for McCain?

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He has been so wrong. He predicted the Iraqis will pay for the war themselves. When we attacked Iraq oil was $45/barrel, now it is $117/barrel. Did he make a mistake or did he just make his oil buddy contributors rich?




  1. They are sad that "napoleon bush" is leaving and think that an old fool will give us a hundred more years of war in IRAQ. Neither candidate is that impressive but our choices are limited. I am just glad "Shillary" got kicked to the curb.

  2. That was a pretty rash statement about him making his oil contributors money. Seems like you are on par with McCain...always wrong.

    I'm not impressed with McCain OR Obama. I don't even think Barr would be a good pick. I'm torn...

    I like how I get a thumbs down....let me remind people that oil companies, such as Valero, have seen a drop in profits by nearly 50 percent just recently! The only companies still raking in money are the ones like Exxon that drill their own, refine it, and sell it. All of the oil companies that buy the oil from other sources are suffering.

    But they are getting rich! /sarcasm.

  3. People will vote for McCain because they want him and not Obama to appoint the replacement for Sup. Ct. Justice Stevens and maybe others.

  4. I definitely agree with dialtech. Both choices really suck, perhaps now more than ever. But can the average American really be so dumbed down and idiotic that they would rather vote for a guy in his 70's who's probably legally insane from PTSD, over a black guy? This just goes to show that if you control the media, you control the country.

  5. Because we don't want Obama-Biden in power.  Look at it..

    Obama is close to Osama

    Biden is close to Bin Laden.  It is Obama Bi[nla]den.  Osama Bin Laden!

  6. I dunno- I'm not voting for him, but I'm sure his supporters have their reasons.  

  7. I will be voting for McCain.  

  8. because War on Terror must be won

    finish job in Iraq...

    have u seen terrorist attack yet?

    thank Bush... oh well hes bad but no attack.

  9. Lets make it easy and fast for one reason for all, he is a white american fellowman, with all kinds imperfections, like is normal in behavier!,  Mr, Obama does not fill my expectative,  have God my God check on him!  

  10. McCain fits my moral issues best, how anyone like Obama be for later term abortion is beyond me!

  11. I'll vote for him because he's not a Socialist tool of the left.

  12. My dad was a POW in 1971-1973 in Vietnam and they cut his arms open and stuff, but he still wants Obama to win.

    My dad says theres nothing good about a 72 year old disabled stressed out vet looking for vengance, What say you?? McCain supporters

  13. I am not going to vote McCain. His presidency will result in more debts for Americans and more fortunes for Halliburton, Black water, Exxon.

  14. Because he is running against Obama. Duh...

  15. Here are FIVE REASONS why I am voting for John McCain for President of the United States of America

    1. McCain has the experience to be the Commander in Cheif.

    2. McCain believes in God and relies on his faith to make decisions.

    3. He will put the United States of America first and not second or third.

    4. He knows how to work together with Democrats, Republicans, and Independents.

    5. He will help the Men and Women in the United States Armed Forces by making sure they are protected no matter where in the world they are stationed. After all, he is a Military Hero and I have great respect for the Men and Women who have served in the United States Military and for their service and sacrifice they have given to the United Sttattes of America.  

  16. I didn't know that mccain predicted this, and if you think the "oil buddys" only contribute to republicans, go do some research pal. but to answer your first question- i'm sure a lot of people would vote for mccain just because they are afraid of putting in B. Hussein Obama.. aka B.O.

  17. Ignorance is the only reason someone would vote for him.

  18. I am voting for McCain,

    1. I am a Christian, I do not vote for abortion, or running and hiding from the enemy.

    2. obama cannot be president, he is not an American.  He calls himself an african American, and there is no such thing, you are either an American or you are not.

    3.  The dems are the ones in controll of congress now, why has gas gone up almost $2.00 a gallon since they took control?  

    4.  This country needs a leader who will fight for it, not give in to the nut cases that think we can all sit around and talk our way out of a war with a country that wants us all dead.

    Vote Republican, and save the country.

  19. cause they are drunk or just stupid.

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