
Wicca: Did I betray my friend?

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Okay, I wam learning and would like to be an ecletic. But the laws of Gardder say "if you break these rules... blah betray coven or witch... no covens shall meet tohthwe..... CURSE OF THE GODESS!

Which means the betrayer goes to Christain h**l. That makes no sense. lol think he wrote it to relate ot the burnig times in which we know wiccans werent around then. WITCHES yes, but wiccans.... no.

My fridns dad (and kinda her shes learning too) is witch/wiccan. My friends (inlcuding my friend the witch) are very close and kinda the outcasts. I learned that her dad and her were witches. I told our friends and my family. I told them ebcasue I was soo excited, not betraying, but like OMG guess what, itsnt that cool!!!!!!!!!

I would ask her questions and she's tell me, and I corrected my grnamdother "witches are evil sort of saying that it's about nature..." That was before i knew the difference between wicca and witchcraft. Months later to today I began top learn about wicca, I would liek to be elceric. I like tobeliev in Summerland as a stop between lives to renicarnate to the next life larnign as much as possible.

Then i saw mr Gerald saying Curse of the Godess and betrayal.

Did I betray my friend?

I dont belive in h**l, but Gerlad was like yes there is a h**l!!!

So if he was live it'll been liek this:

Me: Hey

Gerald: Gooday sire'

Me: Umm wiccans dont belive in h**l right

Gerlad: *gasp* YES they doo,, only betrayers go there and besically there outcats form out religion!!!

Me: Okay, ummm why are you the only one who says that.

Gerlad: Becasue my word is law!

Me: doesnt that defrat the purpose of wicca

Gerlad: *muttering under his breath*

Me: Hey, what?



Me: ... great...

so if every doesnt belive in christian h**l, why does he?




  1. Since you asked about this whole Curse of the Goddess thing last week and are apparently ignoring all our answers, you're looking very Trollish.  Stop it and grow up.

    Insert my response last week on the matter.

    Nevertheless, while your babbling here about h**l and curses is silly, yes, you did betray your friend if he or she is not "out" and you told other people she was a Wiccan.  You're not going to h**l for it, but it's really rude, and there may very well be negative consequences of your actions.  learn from it and grow up.

  2. There are different types of Wicca, not just what you are talking about.

    That type of Wicca is traditional and the people mostly work in covens. Eclectic is completely different.

    I suggest you read up a bit more about the Wiccan beliefs, you clearly don't know that much yet.

    Not to mention that witches and Wiccans don't believe in the same things.

    So unless your friend is a Gardinier [Can't spell it.] Wiccan, you didn't betray her.

    Of course it probably wasn't a good idea to tell the whole world. Witches may not be tortured like they were back then, but most people still aren't comfortable with the idea.


    If you're really interested, a good book to get you started is:

    Wicca for Beginners by Thea Sabin.

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