
Wicca ......?

by  |  earlier

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ok, this may sound wierd but still... if you become a witch, will evil be drawn to you? do you have to vanquish it? and another question, could make your own spells?




  1. Wiccans aren't evil. They are far from it. Yes you can make your own spells. Have you ever read the Wiccan Rede before? You should look it up. It's obvious you know barely anything about wicca and you must learn before any spell will work for you.

  2. LOL...Maybe you want to do a little more research before asking this question

  3. Wicca is wh*te people magic, so can you tell me more about it. Im interested. Please dont get offended or nothing. Im jus sayin. I know a lot about mexican traditions and beliefs thats like that.... but you know, can you email me at ESPIKEYREY@YAHOO.COM. Please email me directly.. im curious.... lol. But for the most part, evil will be around eeryone no matter what. It lives in people. As for you specifically, you jus have to be Christian and rempent everything. And yeah i guess you vanish it... lol. And on making your own spells, i guess you can, if you know what your doin. As ive said, i dont really know much about wicca. But i do know Mexicans can! lol. Serious.... but its complicated. Just pleases email me directly. And let me know who you are, cuz ive been givin my email recently.... lol.

  4. firstly Wicca is different from being a witch- you can be Wiccan and not call yourself a witch and you can be a witch without being Wiccan. secondly no evil will not be drawn to you. i personally don't believe in "evil" exactly but more malevolent intent. if you are sensitive to vibrations etc then spirits that need help may be drawn to you but they are not evil- they were once just living breathing people and they just need help sometimes to adjust. i love shows like Charmed and Buffy but witchcraft really isn't like that. Witches don't fight and vanquish demons (except maybe there own personal ones :P) and to answer your last question, yes you can make your own spells. spells are simply using your intent to alter situations or attract/protect against certain energies (luck, love, success etc) and the ingredients are just used as tools to focus your energy. :) Blessed Be

  5. answer: No, witches don't draw evil to them because they aren't into evil.  And not all witches are Wiccans, some are.  Not all Wiccans are witches, some are.

    Any spell or ritual written by the person doing it is much more likely to work.  Like writing your own speech instead of reading what someone else wrote.  Your own energies.

    Some study on Wiccan might help with those misconceptions you have.

  6. Nothing draws evil to you. Being a witch isn't evil. Unfortunatly, being a witch, or pagan, or wiccan or anything not Christian tends to draw the hatred of others towards you. There is no such thing as white or black magick. Magick has not color lines. It is merely words on a page. Any spell or charm or chant can be used for good or ill, it is the intend of the sender or caster that decides how it is used. I think that the only thing I have to or would like to "vanquish", is ignorance and unwarented hatred and violence. We have so much to learn from each other.

    Can we make our own spells? It is recommended that we write our own spells. Only we know what our intent is and what we wish to accomplish with the workings. All spells were originally written for someone elses intent. If we find a spell that was already written out there that we like, some, myself included, tend to re-work it to make it more personal. It connects me more closely to what I am doing.

  7. Being a witch has nothing to do with evil. Nor do you have to vanquish it. If you see an "evil witch", they were bad before becoming a witch.

    And of course you can make your own spells. All the spells you can find in our books were written by someone.
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