
Wicked- Gregory Maguire?

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Gregory Maguire was the author of Wicked and it's a fab story! But I think the musical is better. :D

He's suggesting a film soon! It's coming out in 2012, I think.

Anyway, my question is that I'm comparing the two wondorous stories Wicked and Mary Poppins, because the musicals were both very different from the books.

However, Gregory Maguire saw Wicked on stage and he loved it! I mean, who wouldn't? It's a masterpiece!

But the musical was aimed at a suitable audience because the book was a lot more adult-themed.

But Pamela Travers saw the Mary Poppins film, and there was a big problem there.

Reporters had said she went out of the theater ranting and took a big dislike toward Walt Disney for ruining Mary Poppins, saying it was too much and very sugar-coated.

That's a big difference between the authors of Wicked and Mary Poppins.

Gregory loved his adaptian of Wicked the musical, but Pamela despised the Mary Poppins film, which I can understand and I agree on her behalf because I would be fairly angry if someone had made the adaptian very inaccurate.

But both are different from the author's screenplay writing.

I'm just wondering why Gregory didn't really care that Wicked was different from the book, but Pamela didn't like it when they changed Mary Poppins.




  1. Hmmm.... i don't know... that's really interesting though!

    I knew that Gregory Maguire did really like Wicked the Musical (despite the drastic differences from his book.)

    I didn't know that about Mary Poppins, though... thanks for sharing!

    I guess it just has to do with personalities.

    Also a difference in times...

    Mary Poppins came out in what? the 50s? Maybe back then it wasn't acceptable to adapt someone's story into a film, play, etc and make big changes. Whereas now its perfectly common...

  2. Because Wicked is more accessible to the public, which in turn draws attention to his book. So its like free advertising that actually makes money. Of course he "couldn't be happier"

    And FYI the movie should be 2014.

  3. Gregory Maguire understood that his book and the musical adaptation of it were well, horses of a different color. They each portray the same story in a slightly different way, but the basic elements are there.

    "...Let Wicked the musical be different from Wicked the book. With my blessing."-Gregory Maguire, the Grimmerie.

    Also, the movie has plans for 2014, not 2012.

    All I can say about Pamela is, if she was so worried about it, she could have asked them to let her be involved with the process. They asked GM about his ideas. I guess it's just Disney. Universal owns the rights to Wicked.

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