
Wierd missed call?

by  |  earlier

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Ok so I got 2 missed calls on my CELL and the numbers were 2006, and the other was 016? What the heck is that? Those arent even phone numbers! Anyone else get that before?





  2. It is more likely these are from OUTSIDE

    the United States.

    I sometimes get a 16 digit number from somewhere.

    Usually, outside USA countries don't have same

    caller ID system to match.

    - - - - - -

  3. AHHHHHHHHH..........RUUUUUNNNNNN..!!!!!!...

  4. nope, I have not

  5. These were calls from a business phone number. The business uses VOIP/IP connection to the phone company. The system is either not configured properly to show the company caller ID or the other option is that the company does not want you calling back on that extension number so the only part of the Caller ID is the extension number hence the 016,and 2006. Chances are that it is a cold call for telemarketers that have your cell number on their list. If they did not leave a message that is most likely. Try and catch the caller the next time and ask them to remove you from their list since it is your cell phone.

  6. a long time ago i had a

    woman talking in another

    language i had no clue there

    was, call me. it was only 4 digits. they

    called me at like 4 in  the morning.

    so it must be from a place far far away


  7. 016 may be in your personal address book within your phone.

  8. yahhh its usually operators or people calling to make you buy things..
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