
Wierd phobias anyone?

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I was just wondering does anyone here have any wierd phobias? Like fear of cotton balls or other wierd stuff? If so what is it and why do you think you have it? Is there a reason?




  1. not very weird...but i hate people touching my face..and i know a girl who is afraid of feet..hates them lol

  2. cotton balls, tissues, velvet, towels

    i have to have certain fabrics or its like nails on a chalkboard to me if i or anyone else touches them

  3. well i guess this will be kinda weird to guys,but i'm a genophobe,i have a fear of s*x.I guess i have it because my mom is always ranting on to me and my sisters,that men are no good and that they'll get you pregnant then leave you,or you'll sleep with them and they'll tell everybody and everyone,or you'll contract a venereal disease cuz they won't tell you.So basically i'm afraid to have s*x,there are just too many consequences i could get a disease,i could get pregnant when i'm not responsible enough to tak care of a baby,i could find out he's an a*****e and has my virginity,lol no way dude i'm gonna wait

  4. fear of birds

  5. I can't stand to feel trapped in a room...trapped in any sort of way! I get panicked...don't know why!

    my boyfriend hates cotton balls by the way...haha..I have to take them out of our pill bottles because he gets sick if he touches weird.
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