
Wierd subwoofer amp problems!?

by  |  earlier

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i have a 12" kicker comp and to power it i have a MTX3002. Now ive never had a problem before with this amp but when tuning it ill adjust the gain, but after i turn it past a certain point it jumps up really high. its not graduall it goes from soft to mega loud with a hair of a turn. why?




  1. The dial is just a Potentiometer (POT) or sometimes called a variable resistor, if the amp is old, I would say the POT is just bad causing the spike.


    The buzzing is likely a ground loop, double check  ground at the amp make sure it is to bare metal and is a solid connection. Also the ground at your stereo should go directly to bare metal rather than the factory harness, this usually is the culprit with most ground loops.

  2. if you bought your sub new there is no reason for it to be blown the sub is underpowered, but that wont cause any noise, keep trying to tune it make sure its set to lpf not hpf

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