
Wii Wireless Router Help????????????

by  |  earlier

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ok i got the Belkin N Wireless Router and the wi-fi works like on my PSP and stuff but when i try it on the wii it says it caint connect. It worked for about a week and idk why but now its not. I need help please. It just says not connected.




  1. Fill this out and see if it helps, if it doesn't contact me through this and I'll see what I can do.

  2. Heres what u do. Call nintendo and talk to 1 of their helpers. You tell them your problem and they will help you out. The same thing has happened 2 me, and i called them and in like a half an hour i had wifi on my wii. Im pretty sure you have to configure the wii maually by getting a password, but i am not sure. So just call nintedno`s help service.

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