
Wildwood restaurant.?

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has anyone ever been in the WILDWOOD RESTAURANT, steak .. seafood and grill restaurant?

i heard its quite fancy in there, so that means that ill be served little or almost no food on my plate???

is the food good?






  1. the food is alright ..more expensive than good but its still enjoyable..also theres a sandwich shop i believe is called Luigi's they make an awesome philly cheese steak and um u cant leave Wild Wood with out eating at the I ce cream shoppe idk the name of that either but i remember my family vacationing there every summer at The Pink Champagne motel that motel was nice and thats were the ice cream place is located and that place is always packed cuz its like a landmark its a must see ..I think from A GUess its on Atlantic Avenue but im going by when i was little..ENJOY .....WATCH THE TRAM CAR PLEASE WA WA WATCH THE TRAM CAR PLEASE..aww man im jealous i wanna be there!!!

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