
Will I be hung over tomorrow?

by  |  earlier

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I have NEVER I mean NEVER drank in my life before... tonight at a grad party I had like half a beer and then a little less than an hour later I like chugged 3 shots... I was little dizzy but then we went for a walk... I still feel a little buzzed now but I was never fully "drunk" i guess

Do you think I will be hung over tomorrow? I am female, about 120 lbs, had nothing to eat for hours before drinking and nothing since.




  1. nah ull be fine

  2. Eat something, drink a few glasses of water, you'll be fine.

  3. drink a glass of water(or two), eat some fruit, take a vitamin, get some sleep. perfect combination for no hangover.

    even if youre *wasted* (which youre NOT, otherwise i dont think youd be coherent enough to think to go on yahooanswers) you should be fine.

  4. Hopefully you have not gone to bed yet and can read this.  

    Eat a small amount of something wholesome right now.  Drink a glass of water for every alcoholic beverage you had.  

    Dehydration is what causes hangovers. So if you hydrate yourself and get a full night sleep you should be fine in the morning with a cup of coffee.

  5. If you are hungover, welcome to my world.  You'll be fine, if you any doubts drink a couple of glasses of water and and take an asprin.

  6. When you go to lay down if you feel dizzy at all get up.  If you fall asleep drunk you'll wake up with a hangover.  Eat some bread or crackers and drink some water or gatorade and you'll be golden in the morning.

  7. no

  8. make sure you take your vitamin pills like a centrum or something i get those from my parents shelfes sometimes because it has vitamins in them and you lose those vitamins when you get drunk or have been drinking so if you dont have a centrum or something i guess you can eat alot of carrots and flintstones too because they both have vitamins.

  9. I would suggest you eat something so you won't be sick, but you'll be o.k for the hangover. just don't drink anymore. because since you've never drunk before you don't know how much you could actually handle

  10. nah, just to be safe  drink some water before you hit the hay

  11. You'll know when your drunk and when you'll be hung over like a horse!!!

  12. Probably not, but always eat first.

  13. Coming from someone who doesn't drink much as well........I bet you have a good buzz going b/c of your lack of drinking(esp. from the 3 shots).  Don't lay down to go to bed until you don't feel like your buzzing any more.......Probably be around 21/2 hrs., then you should be fine........also eat a little and drink some water.

  14. Uh, how do you know you're not drunk if you have never drank before?  Maybe you are wasted.

  15. Eating helps speed up the process of your kidneys converting alcohol into water, so NOT eating will most likely cause you to feel extremely dizzy and sick.

    But no, you can't get a hangover from half a beer and 3 shots. Try 4 beers and 10 shots if you really want one.

  16. You might have a bit of a headache tomorrow, but not to the point where you will not want to get out of bed.

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