
Will I die?....?

by  |  earlier

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Ok this is going to sound really crazy and unreal i it really happen.

I was out on my Atv today and i was out in the country

and there were all these tree's and stuff. Well i came up on a huge field and i stop to look at it and take in

every thing then i went on i got about 4 miles up the road and truned around to go home, I wanted to stop at the field again to look at how pretty it was and ow clear i got to the field and when i got off my atv and look around i look down the hill and there was a man in a long black robe thing with like a long pole, so i stop moving so he wouldn't see me but when i went to get a closer look he/it stop and look right at me and

i could NOT move it felt like he was look at my soul and then i blacked out , when i came to i felt werid but yet fine so i got back on my atv and went home, When i got there i was tired so i took and nap but when i was sleeping i went back to the field and the man told me i was ok and he would be back .........................




  1. that was good! as i read i had a visual and everything!

    wow...your points for the week are -5!

  2. It's totally possible that you saw someone in a black robae with a staff (the town hermit who lives in a cave?) but it was probably just someone trying to spook innocent outdoor enthusiasts. You probably just dreamed about them because you were so freaked out. Don't worry about it. The blacking out could have been because of an iron deficiency; it happened to my friend one time when she came over. You are not going to die.

    Hope that helps.

  3. which part was the dream?  Your rambling makes this confusing.  did you or did you not see any rate if the dude said you were OK, why worry?  So if it was the grim reaper and he said he would be back, again so what?  The dude is going to visit every breathing person some day.  Don't live another moment with worry about

  4. Yes. You are going to die!  One day, hopefully, far in the future you will (as we are all going to) die.  Personally, I do believe that we have epiphanies sometimes in our lives.  If you felt that whatever this was was looking into your soul, then you believe you have one.  Our souls properly cared for and protected in life by our belief and confession of Jesus as our risen Savior has nothing to fear from earthly death anyway.  I noticed that what cause you to stop again at the field was the desire to see and appreciate the beauty of that you saw there .

    You got off your ATV to do this instead of riding down and that's when you thought you saw this apparition.  Had you ridden down, you could have had an unfortunate accident and this apparition symbolized going to meet death.  Death walks beside us constantly even tho we are unaware of it.  I strongly believe (because of some things that have happened in my life) and the bible tells us that God dispatches angels to protect us as the need arises and even to delay death if He has deemed it not our time.  Hence the part of your dream "when i was sleeping i went back to the field and the man told me i was ok and he would be back ........."  The Grim Reaper can do no more than God allows.  Sometimes we are being warned to be careful in our doings.  I like ATVing and have a special friend that does it everytime there is a chance.  Continue to enjoy ATVing because it is a nice way to enjoy nature and the freedom of feeling the wind. Just remember to be safe with it and not to take unnecessary chances and that could make it deadly.

    Be Blessed and Long Live ATVing

  5. well since you were 4 miles in you might of seen something you thought was a long black robe and you freaked out, but the dream... no clue, sorry

  6. It sounds like your eye were playing tricks on you it happens to me sometimes. I look at something in a distance but it is totally different when I get close to it. How long were you riding and did you have water? The dream however sound like just that a dream your sub-conscious was on overdrive and that's about it. Don't worry too much about the dream because that is what they are a dream.

  7. Uhhhh... right?

    You'll be fine.

    And if not, just don't go towards the light or whatever...
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