
Will I ever stop being shy?

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my whole life i've grown up very shy..but i talk more around my friends of course. but alot of people even guys tell me that i need to come out of my shell. I have a hard time just talking alot and saying how i feel. but i really can't help it. i don't know what to do. the things i wanna say tho i can't say lol! cuz that wud be mean and i'm not a mean person.

So what makes people so shy?? and will I ever grow out of this or will i be the same forever?! Any advice on how to 'come out of my shell' ? I'm not a bold person. I like to stay in my comfy zone.




  1. Relax u will grow  out of it

    All the Best!!!

  2. Okay,

    The best remedie for shyness is...

    to join cheerleading : )

    I was a very shy person before I started it, and within a year I came out of my shell and now I'n not shy at all! If competitive cheerleading isn't your thing, then join some other sports. It will be hard to be more outgoing if you never try anything new. You could even try joining with a friend, that's what I did.

  3. Trust me, just because you don't come right out and start yelling at someone just because it's what you feel for them, doesn't mean that you're shy. Although, if you're feeling down it's healthy to come out and say so, in a polite way of course. As for if you'll always be shy, I cant quite answer that. Just be yourself, and it should be good enough for people :)

  4. I was shy too all through school, I liked my comfort zone. Now, I guess I just grew out of it. Now bold is my comfort zone. It so weird. I think as I got older I just became more comfortable with myself, maybe that's what did it. And I'm not sure what makes people shy, I was rasied as a child always being told to be quiet and polite so I think thats why I was shy as I got older.

  5. I am exactly the same. =) Super shy. But in time, if you try to socialize a little more, little by little, then you may just crack your shell open. I am still quite shy, but I can talk to people now, without being as shy.

  6. Boy, you sound like you're describing me! Lol!  I have always been shy, but I was a lot worse when I was younger (I couldn't even get myself to answer a phone!)  What helped me was taking a drama class in high school.  I would feel like throwing up before every skit I had to do, but I would make myself get through it and I found it became easier to talk to other people.  That was many years ago, and I am still naturally quiet.  We are who we are, but taking that drama class really made a big difference!

  7. Yesss you come out of being shy i am a shy person to but i just learned to say things out loud and not be afraid of what you say to people!! And just make jokes up and stuff and people will start to think that you arent shy! And have a party and dance on a table and have fun and invit boys and poepl will start to think that you are not shy!!\

    Hope that helped!! =)

  8. I bet a psychiatrist would really help you become more comfortable with yourself, and boost your confidence around people.

    I know a lot of people with your problem, just try and smile a lot and laugh. If something comes to your mind (thats not rude or stupid) say it. Don't spend too much time thinking about what you will say. Try to let it come naturally :)

  9. Yeah, i used to be really shy too. All you gotta do, is tell yourself to just be like the people on tv. All happy and non shy and enthusiastic. Its easy just do it.

  10. I was very shy myself and I still am to a certain point. My advice to you is read a lot of books.  It will give you ideas on how some people interact and one of the characters might inspire you to be a certain way.  That or you can take a public speaking class.  Those always help.  Don't worry about being yourself.  People should accept you the way you are.

  11. im totally shy. im 28 and i have tried things in my life that brought me out of my shell but i am still shy its part of my personality. i think i will always be shy but i like it. ive accepted my shyness but i dont let it stop me from enjoying life. if its something i think is worth trying.  

  12. I used to be shy. I was like you and I told myself, 'If I stay shy I won't get to do the things that outgoing people do' I started Saying how I felt, telling myself 'who cares what others think of me' 'I can be bold and speak my mind because I will not let others control me because of how they think of me'

  13. You'll grow out of it. trust me. i used to be so shy, but then i started doing stupid things like singing out loud for no reason. Then I realized i like to be the center of just give it time. Go to karaoke bars and open mike nights....

  14. Someday soon, you'll recognize your mortality.  Then you will do all the things you thought you should have done, including being outgoing.

  15. maybe take up acting /drama that way you can express yourself freely.

  16. yes, you will grow out of it. you will soon realize that u need to talk.

  17. Yes you will, I have become less shy recently than when I was younger, and I will continue to become less shy.

    My mum said she was the same as me, and I trust her, so you will grow out of being shy. =)

  18. I was born shy and I will die shy. What makes people shy? As in my case, I have really bad anxiety and when I encounter unfamiliar people and places I do not know how to handle them. I have had many people tell me that I need to be more outspoken, but honestly, the ones who tell me this are the ones who never know when  to be quiet. I would rather be quiet and shy instead of loud and annoying. I just accept that is who I am. Truth be told, people probably respect the quiet and shy people more.  

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