
Will Microsoft Restart Windows?

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I was reading a magazine about tech in Wal-Mart and it said that Microsoft will probably "reboot" Windows and start from scratch again.

I wanted to see if it's true




  1. They might be referring to the "Midori" project that's been talked about recently. God knows a completely clean slate is exactly what the Windows platform needs, but too many of its users rely on legacy support for it to be an easy proposition.

  2. They wont exactly restart it... but Windows 7 or Vienna should be amazing.

    I think Vista is alright, the only people who complain about it either havent used it or their computers suck.

    When Windows 7 comes out everyone will forget Vista.

    You can read all about it here:

  3. Well microsoft is already working on windows 7 which is based on the kernel that vista is using. So i greatly doubt that MS will start it's os from scratch. They will be adding new features, namely a multi-touch interface which to be quite honest it doesn't seem impressive, at least so far. Linux can already do touch and take advantage of that particular hardware. Vista wasn't good and MS greatly takes advantage of the fact that they are a monster corporation with a large share of the market and release 3rd rate products. I hope 7 doesn't suck but i will not have my hopes up.

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