
Will black plastic "stain" concrete?

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I built a suspended concrete form and I need to know if I cover the form with heavy BLACK plastic, will the wet concrete get "stained" by it? I was going to use clear plastic but I don't have any-I have lots of the black plastic. Any concrete gurus please advise. Thanx!




  1. No, it will not stain.  

    The _black_ plastic will absorb more heat, and this may cause water to evaporate more quickly, so keep it wet.  Again, this should not be a problem, just make sure you follow the curing procedures.

  2. It will not stain . but you might have a problem wit plastic moving etc .I have seen it done once before and it looked really bad after it was stripped.

  3. No stain -you're good

  4. The plastic can leave a shadow effect on the concrete surface. Instead of a smooth color it will create shadows from the different water evaporation rates.  But that is just the concrete, black plastic won't leave any residue behind.

  5. why are you going to cover it?

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