
Will college life get any better?

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It's the third day and it's already seemed like such an incredibly long week. Everyone always says how much they love college and I was so excited to come. I was thinking to myself "I'm majoring in Advertising Design... the school is great for it... I'm going to meet all these nice people... there will be more freedom..." Wrong. Everything is just miserable... the instructors are basically telling you how harddd it is to stay in this program and how only a few percentage will even make it in the career... I've spent tons and tons of money on art supplies... I'm messing up my shoulder from toting it from class to class... I have a crappy bag so my bag full of heavy books is damaging my other shoulder... the Texas sun is beating down insanely (but this I'm used to lol) and no one seems inviting. I haven't made any friends really in these three days. I miss all of my friends back home... I miss my boyfriend... I miss what made sense. Will it ever get better?




  1. Here's  the truth--Boyfriend will be history soon enough and there will be others. Teachers will come and go and some you like and some you won't. Your friends back home are already starting to go into new areas of their lives so if you go back it won't be to what once had been. The bottom line is that this is your new life challenges and there will be new friends and lovers and educational experiences. Give it time. Relax. See a movie.

  2. it gets better. I promise :]

    long distance relationships are hard no matter what... but you will adjust to the distance and more so than anything you two will most likely grow stronger from it.

    as for school itself... a lot of college professors are just uptight at first because they don't really know their students... they'll become more layed back as the semester goes on.

    you will also begin to meet new people (doesn't sound very fun, I know...) and you will start to actually like your new found freedom. (no parents to tell you and your friends what to do!) Its hard for everyone at first, but like everyone else who says they love college... you will adjust... and you will most likely like it.

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