
Will gas prices ever go down??

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will it like go down by next year or so? if not do u know wen it will start goin down??

please&&thanx :]




  1. i don't know and really don't care cause I'm rich

  2. By the time you're an old person, too old to care.  Regrettably by then, the price of fuel will be so outrageous that only a select few will be able to afford it.  

    This is going to get worse.  Much worse; bet on it.  It's a simple issue of supply and demand.  Demand is steadily increasing worldwide and the resource is finite.  As the wells began to get low, prices are going to escalate at an unbelievable rate.

    What's going to save this country is weaning its dependence upon oil.  It could happen sooner than later but those that are in position to make it happen are also the ones that profit the most in this country from high oil prices.

    You and I are caught between a rock and a hard place.

  3. no by 2009 gas prices are going to be a $10.00

  4. It is sad to say but no they will be very high for a spell and never go back where they were i think i have heard anywhere from 7 a gallon to ten a gallon and this is only the start of a mess for america it will effect our food prices jobs and all prices we are in a real mess and i dont care who the president is it will take alot of time to ever get it straightened out but were headed for tougher times so get prepared i stocked some can goods just in case they get so high i cant afford them and im saving all my change.

  5. I am not an expert, so please take that into consideration when reading my answer, it is based solely on an educated opinion thats all.

    Yes , I believe that gas prices in the United States will eventually go down, and I predict that they will start going down after the next election in a more dramatic way.

    The reason is this, is Obama wins, a lot of the oil leaders in the Middle East will feel more at ease thinking they will not have to worry about military presence or violence in the area, and in return will increase production. Which they say now is not possible in the current future. This will in return start making the Wall Street people responsible for increasing the Fuel Hype to change they're course and it will help lower the prices.

    If McCain wins, then the oil leaders in the Mid East will fear more of a military presence and retaliation against countries supporting terrorism and regimes that speak about destroying the United States. And in return they will then start increasing production just to make us happy, hoping that it will continue friendships with U.S and guaranteed protection if more Military is needed.  Also if McCain wins I believe he will fight for the increase of oil production and new oil drilling in Alaska, Texas and Florida. Not to mention some Midwest states as well.

    I know he is on the Environment Kick right now, but believe that will change after he is in office.

    Either way gas prices will start to drop, eventually, but I do not think they will drop too much. The problem with gasoline prices in the United States actually is not the fault of the Major Gas companies here, but more of our own Government and taxes. So although I believe it will drop in price it will not drop much.

    And we will never see it below $2 ever again.

  6. seems like it's going to have to go down before the presidential election in '08. should it stay the same, that's going  to be one more thing the dems will blame the republicans for. so let's see, there's iraq, immigration, the economy do republicans really need another head ache.

  7. Yes, when the Democrats and the left wins throughout the world.

  8. Are you kidding? The only thing that will happen is that the Arabs will exploit the world and this is only the start of the WOIII

  9. No, we've seen the last of low gas prices.

    The future priorities for most of us will be:

    1. conserve

    2. downsize

  10. I doubt gas prices will ever see a significant drop.

    My advice: buy a bike.

  11. American presidents or future presidents have nothing to do with the price of oil Its simply a case of supply and demand. The more oil the world uses the higher the price goes.Until the world uses less gas it will never go down, maybe by a few pence but never back to the price a year ago

  12. If you mean go down by a few cents then yes. I think the prices are going to keep going up. Maybe when we have a new President things will change.

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