
Will gravity ever stop?

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I've started panicking when i'm out that gravity will just stop and we'll all go floating in the air. I know it sounds stupid but is it possible?




  1. if the earth stops spinning but no one will be here to see it, and gravity will always exsist, maybe not on earth but somewhere

  2. the earth rotation lately has been slowing down ... there will be a point in time where the Rotation of the earth may halt and during that period of time humans will go blind.It has somthing to do with the Eyes can open and close due to our Adaptation and relationship to the rotation of the earth. check our Http:// for all the information you will ever need. Gravity will not stop but it can weaken and strengthen and because of Global Warming many things can go haywire. Such as the Conveyor belt stopping and having a permanent winter and no change of seasons to The earths Electromagnetic field being dampened such as your concern is. You should worry about these things. Such as Earths rotation slowing down to the point where it may stop for a few seconds, This could occur and I always notice time halting .

  3. ya it will stop or wont affect you...

    try flying with escape velocity...I bet you wont feel gravity after a point....

  4. It's not possible, don't worry. Objects can't "run out of gravitational energy".

    Gravity is caused by a curvature in space-time (basically what the Universe is made out of, space). Very massive objects curve space-time, causing this attraction that we feel as gravity. An easy way to picture it is four people on each corner lift up a blanket in the air. If you have a lot of marbles on top of the blanket, and you place a bowling ball, the blanket will get curved and all the marbles will go to where the bowling ball is.

  5. Gravity is an attractive force between all matter. It has nothing to do with the fact the earth spins.  If Earth did not spin we'd still have gravity.  As a mater of fact, one might think that because the earth DOES spin we'd be thrown off because we are on the outside of it.  Everything that is matter has a gravitational force.  Since the earth is HUGE in comparison to us, we are held to it by this force.  The moon has a gravitational force also, which is 1/6 that of the earth.  The gravity of the moon has effects on earth by creating tides, and even on US.  That is where the term "Lunacy" comes from.  People's mood altered by the moon's gravitational force.   The Earth will NEVER lose it's gravity.  Even if we shrunk it to the size of the moon, it would still have 1/6 the force it has not but that is still gravity.

  6. that will probly never happen... scientist are a bunch of idiots that have no clue what they are talking about.. half of it makes NO since!!

  7. Never till 5 million years from now. after that the earth will not exist so does gravity

  8. I don't think anybody can say for sure because scientists don't seem to understand gravity as well as they understand the other 3 fundamental forces, but I think we're pretty safe in assuming that won't happen.  There'd probably have to be some catastrophic event in the universe to effect gravity (and then it probably isn't even possbile - and if it was chances are it would have killed you anyhow before you could go flying off into space - lol).  The only way gravity "would stop" for you is if you were out in space away from massive objects.  The Earth is so massive that is will keep on attracting you to it.  Don't worry, you're not going to fly off into space or anything :)

    PS Unless you're a kid, you might want to get some help...  I'm not trying to be rude or anything, but that's sort of an abnormal thing to worry about.  It kind of makes me worry about you.  I know kids have active imaginations, but if you're a teen or an adult, it's probably not the most healthy or reasonable fear to have).

  9. The earth's rotation is slowing, but ever so gradually.  This is what causes us to have to add leap seconds to the clock every so often.  Eventually (in many thousands of years), the gravity could slow to the point that we would no longer weigh enough to stay on the surface, but you will never see it.

  10. Enjoy life and don't panic like that your just putting bad thoughts into your mind

  11. hopefully nottttttttt?

    why would you even think of that? dont panick over things like that! just enjoy life!

  12. Probably not.  

    You may want to talk to your doctor about agoraphobia.

  13. Nope =] Not for billions of years anyway.

    It'll happen when the sun expands and the earth goes spinning out of control and crashes into the sun....

    Gravity will stop then yeah, but so will everything else =]

    We'll have all moved away by then anyway!=P

  14. If the whole solar system stopped and nothing turned anymore, then yes. I sure hope it doesn't happen, or I'll make a huge mess of mars when I fall onto it from millions of miles away!

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