
Will he ever leave his wife?

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They both had lawyers, he was packed up and moving out and she went nuts and now he says he can't leave because of the kids and they're in therapy!!! He tells me he needs time to figure out where everything is going.. meanwhile I'm so depressed. I'm a total mess.




  1. do you know if anything he told you is

    the truth. maybe he made it all up to

    make you think that. and really him &

    his wife are happy well he must not be to

    be cheating on her.

  2. No, he probably will not leave his wife, and IF  he does, (not to sound like a prude) but he will more than likely date someone else besides you.  

  3. it is time to move on, this man is going to stay with his kids and family... sorry, thats just what i think...  

  4. If you play with fire you get your fingers burned.

    If you think your needs and desires should come before his kids, then you won't win my synpathy vote. Breaking up a family is child abuse. Shame on you.  

  5. Well you shouldn't be messing around with married men in the first place. I'm glad they are going to try and work it out.  

  6. GAH!  He's married.  Go away!

  7. if there are kids involved LEAVE HIM ALONE. The needs of his children should (and i hope they do) greatly outweigh your needs. I hope he works hings out and keeps his family together.

  8. can you explain to us why you're wasting your time? find your own man, girl! who cares if he leaves her... why do you want him? He'll do the same darn thing to you!  

  9. That's what you get for getting involved with a married man. Sorry. Sad but true. Whether or not he's telling the truth about his wife going nuts or whether he's reconciling with her and is giving you an excuse, he's a poor model of a man and was not meant for you anyway.

  10. How nice of you to worry about yourself!!  What about the poor kids??


  11. he isn't yours in the first place, stay away.

    he is legally and morally hers.

    so think of that while you're alone tonight and he's in bed with his wife.

  12. Anyone, man or woman, who is silly enough to get involved with somone alreay in a realtionship deserves what they get. Regardless of the saying "it takes two". Do you not realise that they are in that relationship for a reason apart from the fact that no matter what problems they might be having or have had, that they love each other.

    If he hasn't left her yet, there is a very slim chance he ever will.

    Go and get your own man and leave their family alone. One day when your married happily with a family, some woman takes him from you as karma

  13. He's just using you!

    Find someone who is fully available to you.

  14. Doubt it.

    Married men (and women) are the worst people to expect a true, long-term, monogamous commitment from.

  15. h***s no he is not leaving his wife you want to know why? because he is a cheater a hoe a liar a manipulating dickless liar, those kids have nothing to do with him staying with his wife. I wrote an article on cheaters if you really want to wake up and smell the coffee give me your email address mine is and read the real deal on cheaters I promise you will get it then.. good luck.

  16. Dear Broken Hearted,

    What he will do with you, he will do to you. He has a family and kids. Don't be a home-wrecker. Back off and find a man that's not married. Stop thinking about yourself and think about his children.

    I hate to be rude to you when you're already down and out but really, you're "The other woman" and you'll never have with him what he has with his wife. You are his booty call and that's it.

    Find someone else that's not a cheating son of a *****.

  17. When he says he needs to figure out where everything was going, chances are he is having doubts about leaving. You're going to have to talk to him, get him to tell you straight, does he want you, or her. Firstly, and I'm sure you're aware but I'm going to say it anyway, you shouldn't have involved yourself with a married man. He has other obligations, and the other woman is almost always the one who ends up hurting.

    Find out what he wants, but first, figure out what you want. Do you really deserve to be the side dish? The one he leaves behind when he decides he wants to be with his children and the woman he married? Do you deserve to be pushed to the side until he figures out all his problems? And you've got to remember, when he fixes all his problems, you may not be in any of the answers. Only time will tell, and either way you're going to be hurting, whether he decides he doesn't want to be with you, or whether you're waiting and waiting for him to decide.

    I really hope you realize that you're better than that. You don't need a man that wants to pick and choose which woman he wants to be with and when. You need to brush it off, and find a man that wants you and ONLY you. Find someone without the baggage, without all the confusion, and you won't believe how much easier everything will be. And believe me, I KNOW it's easier said than done, I know, but eventually your heart will pull itself together, and realize that leaving was the best thing you could have done.

  18. Most likely NOT! Unless she wants him to leave ! If she's willing to work it out then he most likely will stay to work it out too. About what he said about staying for the kids, well that is just another excuse , they always use that one ! You should never get involved with a married man to start with because they most always decide to stay with the wife in the end !!  If you read books or anything about men that cheat they tell you that most men WILL NOT LEAVE the wife for the one they are cheating with! It is very rare that they would leave or in most cases they have no choice but leave cause the wife broke it off herself and not them !! msot men don't want to live alone either! and need a female in there life also another reason is, It is harder for a man to find a mate then a woman to find a mate, it's easier for a woman to get a man then vise versa !!

  19. go here:

    What a sick lie......"because of the kids"  

    The kids will be way better off without him.

  20. Just give him time, maybe a few months. This stuff takes awhile to sort out...

  21. U      R       A
























  22. husbands always go back to their wives... you shouldn't have picked him to begin with.  sorry

  23. what it all boils down to is this.. you got involved with a married man and thought you were better than her and he wanted you more than to stick with the woman he said his vows to, and had children with and now you are hurting.. ask yourself if you ever heard of a successful story were it actually turns out great?  if your answer is yes, you are fooling yourself, b/c if it was true, then you would be happy in his arms and not be crying on here asking for help.  the truth is, you probably never truly cared enough about yourself and question your own existance probably more than once. then you find yourself going after a married man, beleiveing all his "ohh baby you are the best c**p"  to feeling like the crappiest person living just like you started off  before you met the married man..  can i be partially right here?  

  24. Move on.  

  25. you jumped into home and destroyed should be should be a total have your pick of the litter and you take someone elses man...get help...i am glad they are in therapy...

  26. you are a homewrecker  

  27. Its not worth your time or his, down the road you'll realize it was the right thing to do.  You wouldn't just be starting a new relationship w/ this man, you would breaking up a family and causing heartaches that will haunt you for the rest of your life and his.  

  28. To answer your question, no he will not leave his wife.  I agree that she has to be the one to end things and then he will turn to you because he doesn't want to be alone.  You have to respect his decision to return home because if you love him, you will want him to be happy and want him to do what is best for him.  In the meantime, it really isn't fair to you because you are alone and hurting while he has someone else to be with.  

    I was involved with a married man for awhile.  His wife found out, kicked him out and then we ended up living together.  She found out and they ended up in court for a divorce.  They ended up throughing the case out and 1 year later, they are living together again.  It hurts so much!  He was begging her to let him move home the whole time we were living together.  I guess it's better to know that he is where he wants to be rather than him going behind my back to be with her.  

    I know what it's like to feel this pain.  You feel rejected and don't understand why he wants to be with her when you have given so much.  But the only thing you can do now, is just accept the situation and move on with your life.  There may be times he calls you or wants to see you and you are going to be tempted to see him.  But all that does is make you happy for a moment and then you are back to where you are today.  If you can get through the first month on your own, then you will feel better.  Just fill up your days with new activities and try to meet new people.  Good luck.  

  29. No.  It is what you get for helping a married man are just as bad as him.  Karma is a b*tch isn't it?

  30. seems like alot pain for something without a guarantee

  31. think of his wife. i'm sure she's feeling worse than you. honestly, your very much the wrongdoer in this situation.  

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