
Will i ever get pregnant?

by  |  earlier

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my husband did a sperm analysis and the result was good! he had a good sperm count and everything was good.

i too did all the required tests and the result was our doc said we both r very healthy..but it has been more than 15 months and i have not yet conceived!! what could be the reason?




  1. Hun, it took me 5 years trying with one partner with no luck, then a year with my current partner. Some woman just fall pregnant easy, some don't.  Im sure your day will come :)

    *baby dust*

  2. i am the same as you ttc for 2 years, had every test under the sun

    i was found to be okay but hubby had a minor problem with sperm analysis, i would love to tell you, when you'll get pregnant but can't

    (i wish i knew myself)

    keep in mind though with unexplained fertility the success rate with minor intervention is extremely high.

    if you don't want to wait any longer to try and do it on your own

    seek help with fertility clinic they can monitor you closely or suggest iui

    i bet you'll be pregnant in no time

    lots of baby dust to you and luck, hang in there never give up

    this isn't an answer to your question i know but just wanted to let you know, i know how you feel

  3. Getting pregnant fast depends on your age and knowing when you are ovulating. If everything was tested fine by your doctor then you shouldn't worry. Try buying an ovulation predictor kits to help you. I wish you all the luck.

  4. I am assuming you having been going to an ob/gyn. You need to go to an RE (Reproductive Endocronologist). They are doctors that all they deal with is fertility. The range of tests a ob will run is very limited as opposed to an RE. Find one in your area and get checked out. Also word of causion some insurance companies if they dont cover fertility will pay for the doc visits so check ahead of time.

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