
Will immigration reform help me?

by Guest34096  |  earlier

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I own a business and have always had Mexicans working for me. Boy, I'll tell you, they are the hardest working individuals. Will McCain's immigration reform help my business?

I hope he makes it easier for these little fellows to make it over here. After all, they're only searching for a better living.




  1. Legal immigrants then can do the job. Your company, if any good, should not need illegals to do the job. You should be paying properly and possibly giving benefits as well. The businesses that are doing things the wrong way will not be helped by McCain.

    And if they were just searching for a better living that would be one thing. However, that is not all they are doing.

    $11 Billion to $22 billion is spent on welfare to illegal aliens each year by state governments.    

    Verify at:

         $2.2 Billion dollars a year is spent on food assistance programs such as food stamps, WIC, and free school lunches for illegal aliens.

    Verify at:

         $2.5 Billion dollars a year is spent on Medicaid for illegal aliens.

                                 Verify at:

    Not to mention MANY other negative things that cost the American tax payers.

  2. So were the Americans who should have had the job you gave to illegal aliens.  And while you suggest the Mexican Nationals work harder, let me point out that you have already indicated, contrary to the laws of the land, that you hire illegal aliens.  That makes you a felon and why in the world would we listen to anything at all that you might say?

  3. Thats kinda messed up to refer to mexicans as "these little fellows".. Wonder how you refer to others who are not your race.

  4. In my point of view people comes here to earn living. I saw many mexicans care for their family. They do normal things as Americans.

    Yes they are also hardworking people. So far I didn't see any single lazy Mexicans.

    Not only mexicans, they are many more hardworking people from all over the world here without paper works. We should give them a chance.

    US government can stop the Diversity lottery for couple of years while give chance to the people who already here Illegal or legal ways.

    YES Deport criminals.

  5. I'm glad they work hard for you. I guess it depends on who "they" are. I have seen some that show up and not work at all. Some don't bother showing up at all and others that are hard working caring people.

    We need some sort of immigration reform here. I hope it works for you as well as everyone.

  6. I'm curious to see how this question is answered too.

  7. You are an idiot if you are using illegals.  They work hard is code for 'I pay them nothing'.  So it is Americans like myself (property owner) who carry the burden of paying for illegal in the school system, hospital bills, incarceration, id theft.  I have to pay for that so you can pay someone less than fair market value for the work they do.  If that is what your doing, you are scum and I hope you get what you deserve.

  8. Well if there is reform there will be no more cheap labor,you will have to pay them the same as everyone else.

  9. True immigration reform would mean putting a stronger lock on the back door, and opening up the front door as far as possible

  10. According to:

    His currentt plan is to secure the boarder and slap heavy fines against businesses until they stop hiring illegal immigrants and the immigrants give up and voluntarily leave.

    Only after every border state certifies that the boarder is secure would he then move forward with a guest worker program and give currently residing illegals a path to citizenship or the ability to enter the guest worker program, although he has promised fines and long wait times for those who are already here illegally.

    So, for your situation it seems likely that even if it would eventually work to your benefit it might take several years of tight regulation against your business and potentially large fines in order to find any benefit to his plan for reform.

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