
Will jumping rope help lose fat?

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I own a bow flex and work out on that regularly. But when I got to desired bulkiness I stopped. I am very small framed but have no curves, so have to be careful to not look butch. I wanted to lose stomach fat to reveal my abs, its really the only spot I need to work on. I bought a weighted speed rope and jump rope at least 5-10 minutes every day. I know it may not sound like much but I am working my way up. My question is, I can feel it in my calves, but is this going to help me lose stomach fat? Should I do something else in addition to the crunches I already do? I watch my diet but will take any advice. This has always been a problem area for me. Thank you for your time!




  1. yea it will just keep it up

    good luck

  2. You don't have to worry about being bulky from lifting weights. Your a girl you simply can't ( at least without medication) You can not lose fat in one area of your body, you lose it all over. If you lower your body fat percentage and strengthen your abs through exercising you will look great.

  3. Jumping rope and any other cardio is a great way to lose weight and tone up.  If you want to lose tummy fat, a good healthy diet and ab workouts will help.

  4. Jumping rope is a REALLY good way of losing weight but im pretty sure you need to exercise at least 15 minutes consecutively to acutally lose fat.

    Answer mine please

  5. Well if you're looking to reduce stomach fat and achieve more pronounced abs then jump roping is the best type of cardio workout to do so.  It's also the most efficient cardio to burn fat and gain lean muscle.

    It may seem like a simple workout, but with jump roping you utilize your abs to stabilize your body while you're in the air in order to maintain balance, so your core gets worked out.

    You should try jump roping HIIT style to maximize your workout; work your way up to double-unders for added intensity.

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