
Will my American friend like India?

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I couldnt help braggin to my American friend.

Now he's coming to visit me!

I mean, now I see how dirty my roads are, there's poor people everywhere, how much traffic there is...and nothing is as beautiful as it is in America.

I'm kicking myself for shooting off at the mouth with him.

So what do I do already???




  1. ok listn up... i know how clean it is out there dont take him near any of da slums and all if u are nervous abt it. take him to posh places. by personal experiences, americans are always in awe of our tourist attractions. they dont hav anythin like wat we do only da statue of liberty. we hav so many things to show off around. let him try da food. dont give stuff dat are too seet. i hav observd dey don like it very much. dey are absolutely fascinated of da long paper dosa(one of dem was using it as a telescope!) and don wrry many americans are already aware of the poverty in India... so dey will be expectin it.... and relax... don luk embarrased no matter wat. don let him see da ugly if u can avoid it

  2. india is great , some problems are there but my volunteers are workng hard for upliftment of society.

  3. it is so sad when i see indian people being ashamed of india. americans don't always handle india that well, they are so conditioned to comfort but india is one of the seven wonders of the world, in my book, so if he doesn't like it, too bad. you , having a negative attitude to your own country won't be a positive vibe so show your friend the things which you were bragging about, initially and a national park or 2. the beaty and aliveness of india far outweigh the negatives!!!

  4. It is alright. I am an Indian but i was born in America and went to visit it for a month. It was not too bad.


    Lots of tourist attractions (Taj mahal, temples)


    Not many malls

    c**p all over

    Animals all over the place

    Also it is too crowded

    So you should just invite your friend over and take him to good restaurants but do not take him to pizza hut over there cause the pizza will be too spicy and be like a tour guide

  5. hey you are painting a bad picture of India.... it might be not very clean like u.s but it has its own beauty..

    Dont forget ...lots of people comes to visit India and they love it...

    They dont have family life and joint family like in India.

    Nice food.... Different culture and languages..

    complitely diverce.... america dont have all that...

    Ask him to visit places like Goa, Delhi, Agra.. he will love that.

  6. yes im sure your friend will like it.

    i was raised in america but id rather be in india.


  7. i mean, india's ok. but its not SOO great...

    i never liked india when i came from canada for a visit, and your completely right.....india is getting spoilt the worst part is all the freakish guys staring at you when you walk on the street..I MEAN, WHAT AM I, AN ALIEN OR SUMTHING??

    but, america isnt beautiful either, nor is canada, but they are definatly better than india...

    try telling about the food in india..or culture

  8. hei ,,just relax abt ur problem, see every where every thing is not good so dont think that what he thinks abt india if u think like that it is like u want 2 let down india but i know u dont want 2 let down urself as well as india so as he is ur friend u know abt his likes & dislikes so think over it & start 2 make a plan that how 2 present india as a country, as a country where u lives dont think that americans only like good beaches , restarunts yes some where it is true that it is not like U.S. but dont u think that africa is not like canada. so dont get tensed abt this & start 2 welcome ur friend in INDIA in ur INDIA.

  9. Mera Bharat Mahan !!!

    No matter what every country have its own importance.

    Dirt- poverty- dust- pollutions... is also something unique for americans to see and understand what is life reality.

    Do not keep any negative thoughts in mind.

    Our Doors are Wide open and We Indians welcome all guests by heart !!! Be Indian & Love Incredible India.

  10. Ok, so you over exaggerated and made India seem completely faultless.  It is still a beautiful country, do not be ashamed of it.  

    I live overseas and I love visiting India. I still come into culture shock but, like every country I have been to I have learnt to adjust.  

    Tell your friend everything that you mentioned above, and then tell him that despite everything it is still a great country. India has so much to offer, history, shopping, food, culture - it's wonderful people.  Indians show pretty good hospitality. If you prepare your friend by telling him the good and bad and still show that you feel it is a wonderful country and to come with an open mind and tolerance, at least he can not be blind sighted.  

    America is not EVERYTHING.  Yes, it is cleaner, less populated, and has more traffic laws than India but how can you compare the two?  Both have their own flavor of life.  You cannot go to India and live like you would in the US, or vice versa - that is total madness and impossible.  

    Just let your friend know that India is great but like every country it has its drawbacks and the good will outweigh the bad... prepare him with the truth.

    I have come to India with Americans, and each and every one of them still ask me when am I going again and if they can come with me.  They loved it with all its craziness and drawbacks, they like myself see the positive and overcome the negative.

    You will be fine - be honest!

  11. just tell your friend all the good and bad points and im sure your friwnd will like india. i think its quite a good litlle country

  12. Relax! It's simple! Drive him around to nice retaurants, beaches and shops. Basically, be his tour guide and show him all the places you like. Show him Taj Mahal in Agra, famous temples, waterfalls, etc. Start planning all the places right away.

    In the process, hopefully you'll also realize how beautiful India is!! =) good luck

  13. No American People won't like India.

    I am Indian,and when I went to New Dehli I got sick.

    New Dehli is the captial of India,

    So If I got sick, american people will get sick and not like India!

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