
Will my cabbages re-grow.?

by Guest65525  |  earlier

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catapillas completely ravaged my cabbages. All I have left are stalks. If I water the stalks, will more leaves come?




  1. no, it won't regrow. if you really want more cabbages, plant new ones. it will save you time, and you will not be disappointed when you realize that it did not regrew and you did not plant new ones either.  

  2. Sorry to hear that. They won't grow back.

  3. hi they have had mine to and the slugs they will not come back I'm not doing it next year to much work

  4. Er, sad but there is little hope of total re-growth this time of year

    You might get a few leaves back, with care & watering, but I would not hold out much hope

  5. If the core or centre is undamaged it will grow partially back,but they will be edible,but ugly guys though

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