
Will my friend be charged?

by  |  earlier

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My friend was drunk driving last night, she got home and then went to bed and the police woke her up after an hour and she was taken to a police cell overnight. She had blood tests taken. Now here's the thing, she was released in the morning and given just a small sheet with her blood test results on it and her car keys were given back to her but they never gave a court date. What happens now, will she get the court date through the post? Apparently a neighbor reported the erratic driving.




  1. Th defense should be a vindictive neighbour and that she had a drink after she got home -

    But in reallity if she was drunk driving - and you know it - should she be allowed to get away with it ?

    She may kill someones husband, wife, son, daughter - what if that someone was you?

    i leave it to your conscience.

  2. Was she in the UK?

    I assumed she was  questioned, and bailed, she will be asked to appear at the police station in approx 3 months time.  She may get charged , then go to court.

    she could use the " hip flask defence"  tell her to get a solicitor.  She can also request to see the  police log files and the police notebook.

  3. Your friend is an a$$hole and should be executed.

  4. She was released pending the blood test results, she will have been given a bail date to return to the nick.

    If the bloods come back over then she will be charged to court,if under then shes lucky.

    She sounds like a right darling!

  5. this doesnt sound plausible. The police wouldnt wake her up and take her in unless she had had an accident, and to just arrest her for drink-driving they would have had to see her driving and breathalyse her at the roadside. She would also have been given a date to re-appear at the police station to answer bail

  6. With respect your friend knowingly drunk drove a car! I d**n hope she is charged for drink driving! Too many innocent people are killed on our roads today because of selfish people like your friend.

    In my opinion people that do this should have their keys taken away, car destroyed and banned from driving for life.

    Have lost 2 friends through some drunk creep driving whilst drunk, driving wrong side of road killing them outright. They were only 23, just married expecting their first child!

  7. The cops let her go next day and gave her the keys back? I think your friend is either taking the mick or she drempt it. They wouldnt give the keys back just like that. There seems more to it than that.

  8. Your friend is lying to you.  There is no way that the police would come to a house to arrest someone for a possible felony without any real evidence.  You are missing a major part of the story.

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