
Will my home get infested?

by  |  earlier

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I went to my friends house,I did not know she had fleas. I came home,and saw a flea on my hand. I don't have any pets,so that is the only explanation as to where the fleas came from. Do I have to worry about getting an infestation in my home? What should I do? I am worried that I may have brought a bunch of fleas back.




  1. probably not,if your house is clean, you could vacum,and spray insecticide.  

  2. dude dont worry about it, i doubt you have any, i had a guinea pig and it was filled with fleas for like a month i had no idea what they were i was like 12, and me and mom cleaned him cleaned out the cage and we didnt have any fleas surprisingly. im sure if i had fleas in my house for 4 weeks and didnt get infested i doubt you will.

  3. put some flea powder on ya carpet, i think you,l be ok tho

  4. I would just throw everything you wore to the friends house in the washing machine and wash it.  I would then vacuum like crazy, including your car.  Then maybe spray a flea killer or something, then vacuum again.  

  5. No, fleas won't be able to live on you, unlike a dog or a cat that acts as a host for the fleas.

    Even if you took a couple jumped on you and got into your home, it's unlikely it will start an infestation.

    Note if you get any bites while you sleep at night.  If so, it can't hurt to bomb the house, but I doubt you'd need to.

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