
Will my kitten come back?

by Guest34267  |  earlier

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My kitten went outside in the back garden today. The door must have blown shut by the wind as i was upstairs reading. when i cam downstairs the cat had gone from the garden and the door was shut. She still isnt back and she must have been gone for about 6 hours now. She has never gone for this long.




  1. poor thing, i hope it comes back. leave some food outside the door and check every once in a while.

  2. I'm thinking you have a 50-50 chance. I am a firm believer that cats should not be let outdoors, you cut their life span in half when they are "outdoor" cats. Good luck, and if she comes back, please consider making her a long living, healthy, happy indoor cat.

  3. Might come back when she's hungry.

    How old is she ??

  4. Check around your house and your neighbors.  Get a flyer started, the sooner the better.

    You really shouldn't allow your cats outside.  They live longer, happier and healthier lives indoors.  They can be hit by cars, tortured by kids/adults, catch diseases, be attacked by other animals or any number of things when left outdoors.  Cats can be very happy inside as long as they have a cleaned litterbox, food, water and love.  If you are going to continue to allow your kitten out anyway, consider getting him/her microchipped.

  5. How old is she?  The older she is the easier time she will have finding her way back home.  I hope you comes home safe and sound. :)

  6. yeah probobly

    unless someone has taken her with her being a kitten, happened to me once, someone stole my kitten obvyisly because she was a baby and looked cute

  7. Well, why did you ask this question? None of us know if your cat will come back. If your cat is not spayed, she could have found a male and mated with him, then she will return.

  8. It's hard to say at this point.  I assume you have gone around the neighborhood and called her.  Someone may have picked her up or she may be lost if she is young and hasn't been out alone before.  If your local radio station has a Lost and Found or has something like Party Line where people can call in, you should try that.  Also, if it is permitted, you could tack up some signs about her.

  9. Don't worry, you can't get rid of a cat that easily! He'll be back

  10. My cat used to go out all the time.

    he'd go out for the night sometimes , evan a week!.

    That Happened when we had our cat Mocha we went on vacation and he Never came back.

    Just  keep checking The door for your cat.

    -Kelsey .

  11. With luck she will come home. But I would suggest that you start looking for her. Try looking "low" under steps, bushes, tall grass. And then look up high....a scared cat may be in a tree. Call her name and wait quietly and listen. Ask everyone you see if they have seen her and to keep an eye out for her. If it's been more than a few hours, put up posters, contact shelters and put a missing ad in your local paper.

    When you do find your girl, please keep her home and inside permanently. An indoor cat is healthier and happier. And don't forget to have her spayed.

    Good luck!

  12. Hopefully she will come back but she probably will, because my cat was gone for 2 days and he came back afterwards.  She is probably just chasing mice somewhere but does she have a collar cause having one could help.

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