
Will my p***s still grow?

by  |  earlier

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Im 17, got pubes for a good few years now , and like got underarm hair - but p***s like is like around 5.5-just over 6 depending on how turned on - Is there any chance it will still grown . I know its normal size but i just feel embarassed cos 15 year old mate is 7" :( and yes i wanna see it for proof but he wont let me lol so not sure - but he isnt the sorta guy who lies




  1. Here are three good natural p***s enhancement techniques I recommend for rookies. Done properly and consistently, they should add close to an inch or two to your p***s in six weeks.

    1. p***s stretches. This one is very simple. Just take your flaccid p***s and stretch it as far out in front of your body as it will go. Do it gently and gradually and hold it there for thirty seconds. Rest ten seconds between sets and repeat this at least ten times.

    2. Jelqing. This is another great technique for rookies. Get your p***s halfway erect, apply lubrication, and grip it tightly at the base with the thumb and forefinger of one hand. Slowly slide that hand up the shaft toward the tip, pushing as much blood into your p***s as possible. When you reach the tip, immediately grip the base the same way using the other hand and repeat. Do this nonstop for ten minutes.

    3. Ulis. This is a great exercise to increase girth. It is also very easy and does not take much time. Achieve a full erection and grip the base of your p***s the same way you would if you were jelqing. Squeeze as hard as you can without causing discomfort. Your p***s shaft should swell and your p***s head should get big and shiny. Hold for ten seconds and rest for ten seconds. Repeat this three or four times.

    Do this routine every other day and make sure you warm your p***s up before each workout by wrapping it in a hot washcloth for five minutes.

  2. You should be happy with what you have.

    However if you really feel the need to increase your p***s size,then you should try out these :

    Here are four good natural p***s enhancement techniques I recommend for rookies. Done properly and consistently, they should add close to an inch or two to your p***s in six weeks.

    1. p***s stretches. This one is very simple. Just take your flaccid p***s and stretch it as far out in front of your body as it will go. Do it gently and gradually and hold it there for thirty seconds. Rest ten seconds between sets and repeat this at least ten times.

    2. Jelqing. This is another great technique for rookies. Get your p***s halfway erect, apply lubrication, and grip it tightly at the base with the thumb and forefinger of one hand. Slowly slide that hand up the shaft toward the tip, pushing as much blood into your p***s as possible. When you reach the tip, immediately grip the base the same way using the other hand and repeat. Do this nonstop for ten minutes.

    3. Ulis. This is a great exercise to increase girth. It is also very easy and does not take much time. Achieve a full erection and grip the base of your p***s the same way you would if you were jelqing. Squeeze as hard as you can without causing discomfort. Your p***s shaft should swell and your p***s head should get big and shiny. Hold for ten seconds and rest for ten seconds. Repeat this three or four times.

    Do this routine every other day and make sure you warm your p***s up before each workout by wrapping it in a hot washcloth for five minutes.

    4. A larger p***s can be achieved with the use of p***s enhancers. There are many forms of p***s enhancement products such as pills, patches and topical oils. However, one unique product that can produce significant results and makes use of the body's natural abilities comes in the form of a liquid called super-vir

    Always remember, if you are not satisfied with what you were born with, it is never too late to do something about it!

  3. Ok for starters you have the average p***s size of males in the UK (and probs America and elsewhere) so there really is no reason for you to feel inadequate. Also, I think you've reached optimum size by your age.

    Secondly, you don't have to be a liar to lie about something as private as your erm...privates lol. I mean say he has like a half inch or something, wouldn't you lie? That said, there's nothing wrong with it being that small

    Anyway, just chill cos most girls don't judge on size. If they do then they are shallow and haven't got a clue about real blokes. Stop worrying, it does the job doesn't it!? lol

  4. it aint about p***s length but on how long you can go for.... a girl rather have a 5inch who can last for 30mins then a 10inch who can last for 1min  

  5. Don't worry about it. If a girl really likes YOU she won't care about your p***s size and if she does then she's not the right girl for you!! And anyway as other ppl have already said, the size doesn't really matter, it's what you do with it that is important and you can really satisfy a girl even with a normal sized p***s it doesn't have to be big!!

  6. u r still growing

  7. Your maxed more growing... :-(

    I agree with RMC, it's about how long you can go not size.

  8. hate to say it but at 17 thats as good as it gets.

    I was just lucky i guess ...........

  9. Hi mate. We get what we get. It is more important that you develop great techniques to satisfy the ladies than to be an oaf with a big p***s. There is more to s*x than in and out, goodbye. {Although it is good to be well endowed and skillful} I have 7" soft and 10" erect and most women run and hide when they see it, so, count your blessings and be careful what you wish for.

  10. It still grows until I think about 25yo.  Be happy that you are that large already the average p***s is only 5.3 in. when errect.

  11. that`s it  

  12. that's average but you've still got a couple of years to mature so it could still grow a bit more

  13. 5.5" - 6" is a very nice size

    all boys are different, your younger friend is just different, not much can be done about it

    since he will not prove it he is probably not 7"

    anyone that big should like to show it off

    i would

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