
Will my rose bush regrow?

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Okay I'm new to gardening of any kind. I moved into my house about a year ago. There were out of control rose bushes in my back yard. It was a mixture of 2 different types of pink and white roses. They were overgrown and and the leaves and petals were covered in black spots. (Not at all pretty). I was told this meant they were diseased in some way. Not to mention, I think there was a rat's nest underneath all the overgrowth. I cut the roses down to their root systems. I was told later told I should have waited till Jan. to do this but what's done is done. I wasn't very comfortable with "Templeton" taking up residence in my back yard so it had to go! It looked like most of the branches were either dead or not thriving, anyway. Will these roots regrow or should I just dig up the roots all together and plant something else? The area is only in full sunlight in the afternoon. I'm not familiar with what plants need what type of sun exposure. Like I said, I'm new at this.




  1. I found two roses that were growing in our yard that had been mowed for years, no one in the family remembered they were there. I moved them and now I have two full size rose bushes.

    If they were out of control had good roots, if you are willing to wait, they will probably be back next year.

    Additional information,

    You might want to give it until at least September to see how it is doing new plants won't be available until spring unless you order from a catalog.

  2. When you said you cut it back to the roots, do you mean you cut out the crowns too? If that is the case then, they will not regrow. Go to you local garden store, and ask them what plants is suitable for you area.

  3. roses are g*y best advice burn them plant something manly like a beer plant so try that next time

  4. Odds are that they will regrow. take some banana peels and put around the edge of the plant or root, once they start to turn black work them into the soil. Roses thrive when given the extra potassium they get from this.

  5. get some of that holly tone (i think its called rose tone), that should help.

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