
Will san francisco be underwater

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Will san francisco be underwater




  1. It's very unlikely that San Francisco will ever be entirely underwater. There are hills that will remain above water, even if the polar ice all melted. It's on the San Andeas fault line, but the plates there are sliding past each other. It's ignorant about tectonics to say the city will fall into the Pacific Ocean. That can never happen.

  2. If you look at the movement on the San Andreas fault, the boundary between the Pacific and North American plates, you'll see that Los Angeles will eventually be on an island. It should take about 20 million years. The quakes in SF are due to plate motion but none that would cause it to sink (that doesn't happen). The Juan de Fuca plate is the source of much activity in SF. That plate is being subducted under the North America plate so little JdF is the one heading down.

    Of course, there are dozens of dams above Sacremento that are not able to withstand a serious quake. Sac is sitting in the bottom of the central valley and already floods on a regular basis. I wouldn't want to be there if a quake rattles the north or northeast part of the state.

  3. It has to rain sometime.

  4. After Ca cracks off at the SanAndreas faultline during the next "big one".

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