
Will somebody explain football to me?

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Like I have no idea how to play or even watch football. And I really like this kid and he's obsessed with football.




  1. I wish I could =/

  2. here you go

  3. Just watch and cheer his team, ask him to explain it to you ..  

  4. Football.



  5. It's not worth the trouble. Let him have his sundays, mondays and/or thursdays. You can have him the rest of the week and after Super Bowl sunday.

  6. I so know what you mean same thing happened to me except with hockey.

    But my bro plays a ton of football and hes quarterback so i know enough to be comfortable watching it with someone else.

    this is a girl's explanation so it isn't perfect.

    well the game starts off with toss of a quarter whoever wins the toss gets to pick defense or offense on the kickoff than they kick the ball to defense and the defense runs the ball toward their goal until they get tackled. Then the offense and defense will line up against eachother, and the quarter back will either run the ball to gain yards toward their goal or he will pass it to a receiver who will run it as far as they can. the whole game goes on like this until someone gets a touchdown than the offense and defense switch. 6 points for a touchdown and 1 extra point if they get the goal kick.

    **** ALSO REMEMBER that  a lot of the times guys think its cute if you are helpless and need him to tell you stuff its also a way to talk to him more so you can be knowledgable for a girl or clueless and cute.

  7. Watch the games and learn

  8. if you like the kid, ask him to explain the game to you.

  9. 2 halves of the game, a total of 4 quarters.  Objective, to get the ball across the other team's goal line (you get 6 points for running it or passing it across, 3 for kicking it through the goal posts).  You get 4 tries to make 10 yards each time you get the ball.  If you make the 10 yards you get the ball for another 4 tries (called "downs"), and if you don't, the other team gets the ball.  So most often when the 4th down comes up, the offensive team will "punt"--kick--the ball downfield to the defensive team, if they have not made the 10 yards--made their first down.  If the defensive team downs the ball in the offensive team's end zone they get 2 pts.  You are allowed 3 time outs per half, but the officials can call time outs, too, based on injuries or the need to measure if the 10 yards was completed for a first down.  Football is a great game, you can understand it on any level, from the simplest to the complexity of a chess board or a military campaign.  It is fun and challenging to play at any level, too.

  10. You get 7 points for a touchdown and three points for a kick.  When your teem has possesion you start with no downs.  Each time your team fails to move 10 yards forward before getting tackled or intercepted then you earn one down.  If your team manages to make at least 10 yards of progress then your downs are cleared.  If you get four downs then the other team gets possesion.  Like soccer there are four quarters.  The team with the most points at the end wins.


  12. There is a lot of stuff to know about football, none of it is confusing, there's just a lot to the sport if you want to know what all the ref's hand motions are and stuff.

    The basics are as follows...your team tries to get the football down the field into the end zone and you only have so many tries to do it. each try is called a "down" if you get a touch down before you run out of tries you are awarded 6 points and you then have two choices. you can kick a field goal for one point (which means you would have a total of 7 points) or you can go for a two point conversion by trying to run the ball into the end zone again to get two points (for a total of 8). if you don't get to the end zone, you have to try to kick the ball through the goal posts (called the uprights) for 3 points. Once you get a touch down or kick the field goal, the other team gets to try.

    Oh, and there are four quarters in each game. In high school football, each quarter is 12 minutes. in college and professional football, each quarter is 15 minutes. After the second quarter is "half time" and whichever team has the most points at the end of the 4th quarter wins the game. if there's a tie, a coin is flipped to see which team will get the first chance to run for a touch down in overtime. if they get the touchdown or kick a field goal, they win. if they don't, the other team gets to try and whoever scores first in overtime wins.

    So...for more info you should basically read this article, or search for articles about "girls guides to football" and the best way to learn is just to watch the sport!

  13. if you get the ball whatever you do... dont run

  14. American football, known in the United States and Canada simply as football,[1] is a competitive team sport known for mixing strategy with physical play. The objective of the game is to score points by advancing the ball[2] into the opposing team's end zone. The ball can be advanced by carrying it (a running play) or by throwing it to a teammate (a passing play). Points can be scored in a variety of ways, including carrying the ball over the goal line, catching a pass from beyond the goal line, tackling an opposing ball carrier in his own end zone, or kicking the ball through the goal posts on the opposing side. The winner is the team with the most points when time expires at the end of the last play.

    American football is also played outside the United States. National leagues exist in Germany, Switzerland, Sweden, Japan, Mexico, Israel, and the United Kingdom, as well as several Pacific Island nations. The National Football League ran a developmental league in Europe from 1991–1992 and 1995–2006.

  15. American football, known in the United States and Canada simply as football, is a competitive team sport known for mixing strategy with physical play. The objective of the game is to score points by advancing the ball into the opposing team's end zone. The ball can be advanced by carrying it (a running play) or by throwing it to a teammate (a passing play). Points can be scored in a variety of ways, including carrying the ball over the goal line, catching a pass from beyond the goal line, tackling an opposing ball carrier in his own end zone, or kicking the ball through the goal posts on the opposing side. The winner is the team with the most points when time expires at the end of the last play.

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