
Will somebody like me????

by  |  earlier

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With the theory of infinity I think somebody will!!!!!!




  1. Yes, if you follow the well-known rules set down long ago -

    If you want love, learn to be more loving and you'll attract same in kind.

    If you want to have friends, learn to be a true friend to others first and the rest will follow as a natural result in your life.

  2. Everybody will if we like everybody .

  3. As a child I was fascinated by the concept of infinity and it has brought me to God.  Your cool with me.

  4. I freakin love ya.

  5. Sure they will. It is important to like yourself. If you don't like you who will?  

  6. we all like you.

  7. Of course---but the first step is to like yourself!

    Obviously in asking this question states you are kinda insecure. People have a natural tendency to spot others who are confident, insecure or arrogant! And people are attracted to people who are confident---its all in how  you think of yourself which reflect in your posture, speech and dress. People who are insecure might walk around with their head down and never make eye contact---and people who are arrogant might look down their nose at others and thats a big turn off!

    So---take the time to look at yourself and point out the good qualities within you. Then think it! Value your self and your opinions and it will soon show. Speak up (like at work or school for instance) if you have a great idea. Once you gain that confidence, it will show and people will start wanting to be friends with you--or you can even ask people out for a friendly lunch to discuss school or work!

  8. Yeaah I do!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. I like you.

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