
Will somebody please read this question?

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ok i really need some help, i have to write a human interest piece and i cant really find any online so if you could please send me like a link of some examples please:) thank you:)




  1. I am not sure if I would be doing the right thing in helping you. I am sure that isn't allowed!

  2. See my question and write an piece about those old newspaper clippings and what would happen if a newspaper ran them today.;_ylc=...

  3. Why don't you try using your own imagination? That way you wont get kicked out for plageurism.

  4. okay, i know your not gonna like my answer, but maybe you should try the library for 2 reasons.

    1. they have books that you cant find online and newspapers and articles.

    2. if got online a librarian can help you make the search go better.

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