
Will the SNP take Glasgow East?

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Will the SNP take Glasgow East?





  2. I hope so!Why?It will give England another excuse to remove Scotland from the Union!

  3. Nae chance!

    I trust the people of Glasgow East, however disillusioned with Labour, will not be daft enough to vote for the nats. It would require a huge swing to happen anyway.

  4. i would love it to happen but I doubt that it will happen.

  5. I think it will be a close run thing, but Labour will probably hang on. The only way I can see Labour losing it, is if all the natural Tory and Lib Dem voters decide to ignore their own parties and vote tactically for the SNP. If that happens to a large enough extent the SNP can win it, but I can't see most Tory voters in particular voting for a left of centre socialist orientated party like the SNP.

  6. Would like to see the SNP win, might just put an end to Brown's leadership - but not likely. If Labour do win the seat, it'll be a very, very tight victory. If the SNP play on the fact that Gordon Brown won't visit the constituency, some people might just swing away from Labour.

  7. Best to answer scientifically; a swing of 22% is required and that is not impossible with the general state of New Labour !!

  8. I would also love to see it, but I doubt it, they may make a huge dent in the labour majority though.

    Incidentally, Margaret Curran wont be stepping down as an MSP, so labour have dropped their criticism of Alex Salmond being an MP and an MSP.

  9. i think so, can't see new labour wining.

  10. Take it where..

  11. Yes, i think so - the swing needed is 22% but Labour are in meltdown so it could happen.

  12. It will be interesting.  This is a typical labour "heartland" seat, if this goes south then all other labour MP`s in Scotland might start to feel like Tories.  (Think about it).

  13. It does look some what unlikely, according to the poll by the Sunday Mirror / Sunday Telegraph by ICM: Labour hold 47%, the SNP 33.  While the Tories and Lib Dems are in single numbers, however this is one of the first opinion polls, and I do expect to see the SNP's share of that to rise slightly within the up and coming days to July 24th, but not to over take that of Labour.  The poll does show a swing to the SNP from Labour, but not at the level, or indeed any where near the level for the SNP to gain the seat, But I have to say a 14 / 15% swing from Labour to the SNP is rather worrying for Labour in a space of week of campaigning... it would after all only take a 8 - 9% further swing (according to the poll) for the SNP to gain the seat - certainly not impossible by any means.

    My own biased opinion is; I hope the SNP take the seat.

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