
Will there be an October surprise?

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and if so, who will be behind it?

A coalition of people who were thrown under the bus?

The Clintons?

The CIA & FBI?




  1. I think Obama is going to have a press conference, and like on s****. Doo he will pull off a mask and it will really be Al Gore, LOL

  2. Karl Rove and the win at all cost Republicans.  The surprise they will dig up doesn't even have to be true.  No Republican will check the facts.

  3. I believe there will be, yes.  Concerned voters and people who love their country, will be behind it.  

  4. It's tough to make predictions, especially about the future.

  5. Let us just say that if Hillary invites Obama to Dallas this November.  Common sense should kick in and have him stay home.

  6. There are surprises, of varying degrees, every election year.

    As for a pre-planned political attack, I doubt that people would be able to withhold important information for a long time - too many people want to spill what they know, so they can be a part of the story, as soon as they receive something.

  7. I am not sure what the CIA and FBI has to do w/ the election. Can you expand on this?  

  8. That evil Karl Rove.

  9. I don't think there will be an October surprise.  Almost every swipe that can be made at Barack Obama has been made.  When the Republicans look for an October surprise, they are only going to find lint in their bag of tricks.

  10. What kind of Surprise? I don't see what they could possibly do.

  11. wishful thinking on mccains part...the will be something, but it won't be legitimate. And it may not even be about obama--think diebold voting machines that were used in various parts of the country last election to help bush win in 04. Of course the right will dismiss this fact, but i've seen several documentaries on the subject and the conclusions are all the same--the machines can be programmed to ensure a particular winner. Its scary to think the elections can be rigged---whether the left or the right is doing the rigging, it bodes evil for our "democracy".  Any "october surprise"--whether damaging to obama OR mccain, i won't believe, yet millions may--sadly. My "october surprise " prediction is the yankees will not be playing then and to yankee fans everywhere, this will be the saddest surprise of all (but red sox fans will love it). <--sorry, one has to be a baseball fan to get this last part.

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