
Will they ever cure cancer?

by  |  earlier

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Is it possible that they will ever find a cure for cancer. I mean they have been trying for years and have had alot of break-through's. But still no cure.

Some people sya they will find the cure in the nest 10 years. Some say they will never find it.

Looking for some medical minded peoples opinion.





  1. I sure hope so!

  2. I think the problem with thinking about a cure for cancer is that it's one umbrella term.

    In reality cancer defines MANY tumours that have different characteristics, different patterns of growth, different cell lines, and different responses to chemotherapy/radiation/surgery

    Technically we have cured some cancers...for example hodgkin's lymphoma is entirely curable with radiation therapy.  Some breast cancers are also curable with surgery or chemotherapy

    The miracle cure for cancer in my opinion is impossible.  Each cancer is it's own disease and warrants it's own treatments.  The only thing i would say would develop into a wide usage "cure" is not necessarily a medication but a way of transporting the medication to the treatment site.  If we could find a mechanism to transport toxic chemotherapy right to the tumour cells, it would have an effect on the curability of certain cancers now with current therapy

  3. i hope so

  4. The problem with finding a cure is that cancer is not a single disease, it's an umbrella term for over 200 different diseases. The difficulty with finding a cure is that different cancers are caused by different things, so no one strategy can prevent them They all respond to different treatments so no one treatment can cure them, so there isn't a magic bullet that cures all cancers and there never will be.

    While there's no guaranteed cure for any cancer, quite a few cancers CAN already be cured: seven out of ten children are cured of cancer; testicular cancer, Hodgkin's disease, and many cases of leukaemia can all be cured in adults with chemotherapy, most skin cancers are cured with surgery and many cases of thyroid cancer and cancer of the larynx are cured with radiotherapy.

    Many other types of cancer are also cured if they are found early enough.

    There's plenty of dedicated hard work going on to find improved treatments and ways of reversing and controlling cancers, and there will be steady progress and small steps, but there will never be a Eureka! moment - there won't be a substance or procedure discovered that will cure all cancers.

  5. i hope they find it tomorrow i just found out my grandma has brian cancer tonight

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