
Will this baby be ok?

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Hi everyone

I had a misscarriage 3 years ago, and once i lost the baby they gave me a jab - Anti D. as i was RH Negative.

I was just wondering now im 7 weeks pregnant will everything be ok this time around?

Thanks x




  1. no one can predict for sure, but you must remember that every pregnancy is different. My cousin had those problems with her first pregnancy and now she has 3 healthy children. You should be ok. Just make sure you take extra care of yourself and make sure you are monitored closely.. and if your current OB won't do it, find someone who will. Good luck.

  2. nobody could possibly know the answer to this.

  3. Your RH neg will have no bearing on this pregnancy.  I am RH neg too, and miscarried earlier this year and am now 20 weeks (today!) pregnant again.

    There are no guarantees in any pregnancy, but having one miscarriage does not increase your chances of having another unless there is some underlying medical reason, but being RH neg is not one of them.

    Relax and try not to worry (incredibly hard to do, I know) and all the best to you.

  4. Nobody knows whats going to happen. All you can do is take care of yourself and not worry about it all the time. Just try and relax and enjoy your pregnancy. Congratulations x

  5. Yes just make sure you be healthy with it, dont eat bad things and watch out. My mother didnt take care of me and when she was pregnant with me and i turned out small and skinny....

  6. I am RH Negative too, and on my second pregnancy. I got my round of shots with my first one, and those shots are supposed to supress the immune defense in the second pregnancy. They will do the shots again with every pregnancy when you are RH Negative. Definately talk it over with your OB as soon as you get the chance!! Good Luck!!

  7. No one will be able to tell you this.. you will just have to wait and see.. hope it all works out for you.. Take it easy!

    Good luck!

  8. There are shots they give women who are RH Negative. You usually get it at 28 weeks. They then give you another one when you deliever and they find out the blood type of the baby. Rarely (2%) does the RH factor effect a pregnancy now.
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