
Will this be overstocking?

by Guest65694  |  earlier

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I have a 55 gallon tank, and have finally decided what I think I want:

2 blood parrot cichlids

2 oscars (one albino, one regular)

1 pleco

5 black skirt tetras

1 clown loach (or something similar)

Is this to much? A bad combination? What should I get if these are bad (I know definately blood parrots)?




  1. Oh yes, that is way off. I'm sorry.

    Oscars, they need a minimum of 55 gallons to stay alive. 75 gallons is actually recommended for ONE oscar. Two in 55 gallons? OH NO!

    Don't listen to the people above, they don't know what they're talking about.

  2. nope it does not seem to be overstocked. some fish are more aggresive even in the same species.

  3. tank too samll for oscars. scrap that, add another chichlid and another tetra =]

  4. Bad combination and way to much. Don't listen to the people telling you its ok, they have no idea what oscars are or clownloaches, they have no idea what half of these species are!

    1. 2 oscars need a 100+ gallon tank, you can keep 1 and nothing else happily in a 55 gallon tank. Scratch the ocars out of the picture completly or make it a tank for 1 oscar.

    2. If you got an oscar and a clown loach, the oscar will grow faster than the clown loach and eventually eat him AND the tetras.

    3.Plecos need a 75+ gallon tank, unless you get a smaller variety other than the common, like a bristlenose pleco!

    I say go with 3-4 blood parrot cichlids, 2 bristlenose plecos, 2 clownloaches and 10 black skirt tetras. Keep in mind, clownloaches get 7-8 inches long. Good luck with your tank!

  5. no thats a fine amount

  6. i'm not sure about the parrots cichlids but i wouldnt recommend the tetras. when the oscars get bigger they would probably eat them. and also the oscars will outgrow the 55 gallon tank. it will take about a year to grow that much but eventually you would have to upgrade tanks or give away/sell the oscars. the pleco should be fine though

  7. not if you put a shark in there or a pirana

  8. if you are thinking of getting rid of them or getting a 200+ gallon tank then get them all small. dont recomend the tetras cuz one oscar needs a minimum of a 55 gallon tank but i would stick with the blood parrots cichlids, the pleco, 3+ clown loaches and 3 african cichlids.

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