
Will you read this???

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“I can't take it anymore Mom,” I screamed. “It's too much! I have to go. NOW!”

I whipped the door closed behind me with a flick of my wrist, and listened to the latch snap into place and the door clunk against it's frame as I stormed into my room. I stomped to my bed and threw myself down with all the force I could muster. I flopped down onto the pillows and kicked the crumpled sheet by my feet out of my way. Only now did I wish I had made my bed today, just so I could hide under the covers and let it all out.

Instead I let the tears slide down my face as I gasped for air like a member of the Titanic who had neglected to learn how to swim because of their confidence in the “unsinkable ship”. I could feel the fury at some unidentified force rising inside me, and I let it take over. It wasn't worth the fight these days. The anger was part of me now; I couldn't seem to get rid of it.

As I lay there sobbing I thought. What were my options? I couldn't seem to overcome the unexplained hate, and it wasn't right to take it out on others. I didn't deserve them. This family, my friends—I wasn't worth it. They shouldn't have to deal with me every day simply because I was going through some weird emotional thing. I shouldn't be putting them through this. No way.

So back to my original point:

What should I do?

If I couldn't stop myself from taking out my frustration on other people, I had to get away from them. To somewhere far away. Maybe becoming a hobo or a loner. I could get a job at a fast food restaurant and ask a coworker for a ride to work and a couch to sleep on. I could make it work. Nobody I liked would have to put up with me again. Perfect.

I'd tell my parents and friends I would call when I could, and I would. I could use the payphone on the corner that the Burger King I would work at was on. I would call once a week. I could already feel the dented border of the quarter I would drop into the slot, the plinking sound it would make as it hit the collection bin of the machine.


This is what I would do.

There was no other way, at least that I could see. Sure I got the short end of the stick, but it was fitting. I was the one causing problems, so I would get the worst of the pain and suffering. I would deal with it on my own. Far away from others.

Now that I knew I was leaving, there were a few things I had to do first. Like plan. And pack. And break it to the ones I loved. All things that had to be done, but that I didn't want to do. I mean, who would? No matter how fed up I was with life, it still had it's perks. Having a family and any friends was a miracle in itself to me. It was going to be hard to let go.




  1. A little too angsty for me.

    Continuity question: How is this character going to 'run away' if their parents can have the cops bring them back? You can't leave without parental permission until you're 18.

  2. I'm really not a fan of the Titanic simile, so perhaps consider omitting that part... that aside, good start. Odd choice of verbs in some places but it's well on its way :)

  3. Did you write that? I liked that a lot
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