
Will you vote for a creationist?

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I'm a Republican, but tend to vote my conscience. I have voted for Republican candidates who give lip service to creationism in order to placate the Fundamentalists. But Sarah Palin seems to genuinely believe in creationism. I could not possibly vote for such a person---it indicates a flaw in judgment that might be disaster in a President of the United States. Naturally Fundamentalists will not agree, but what about the rest of you?




  1. I don't really care what she believes on her own time, but the first time I hear her suggest that creationism should be taught in science class, she and I are going to have a problem.

    Who am I kidding? I will never vote for her for MANY other political reasons.  But as an atheist, I try to remain respectful of those with extreme religious beliefs until they unleash them on me.

    EDIT:   I tried to hold back, but can't--Reformed, creationism has only "stood the test of time" because those of you who believe it continue to ignore the OCEANS and OCEANS of scientific evidence we keep giving you!  And let's be clear: Darwinism is not "disproved".  There are many points of his theories that have been refined and some refuted.  However, the basic tenets of evolution by natural selection are so scientifically sound that they are almost universally accepted by anyone with recognized academic credentials.  It will continue to be improved, but it is not close to being refuted by scientific methods.

  2. Yes!

  3. I would never vote for somebody who puts superstition ahead of science and logic.

  4. answer: No, I couldn't.  Huckabee would have been a disaster, she'd be only slightly less so.

  5. Only the USA and Turkey has such people, we just get comparatively normal people to vote for in the UK, that is if you can ever refer to a politician as normal.

    How much credibility to they think that the USA will have in the eyes of the developed and indeed, even the less developed world if they are seriously putting forward a candidate that has a huge gap in his or her general knowledge, filled only with the superstitious nonesense of some obscure religious myth ?

    For most of us it seems at first to be utterly ridiculous and then, after pondering the thought for a while, bloody scary !

  6. I agree. Anyone who believes in Creationism is a deeply superstitious person who doesn't have sufficient grip on reality to be the Leader of The Free World.   Not the person you'd want to be one heartbeat away from the Presidency of the United States -- aside from the obvious fact that Ms Palin simply doesn't have the experience to do the job.  

  7. One of MANY reasons not to vote for her....

  8. No I will not vote for a creationist.  She is also a global warming denier.  I know what her energy policy will be, DRILL DRILL DRILL.

  9. No....never

  10. Not this time, and I truly doubt if I ever would.  I can't imagine voting for someone who doesn't have at least a basic knowledge of science.

  11. Never,

    believing in creationism speaks volumes about their mindset

  12. Since Darwinism has been disproved, you'd think creationism (which has stood the test of time) would have bounced back quicker.  Maybe you will all catch up soon.

  13. No. Never.  Next question.  

  14. I wouldn't vote for anyone who would name their kid "Trig" or "Track".

  15. No. The worst thing we can do to our kids is force a controversy onto them that should have been put in the ground 100 years ago. You can teach creationism in a religious study class.

  16. How does it indicate a flaw in judgment..

    I'm not speaking as a Christian, Atheist or otherwise.  Just want to know.

  17. If someone is a creationist, I seriously have to question their intelligence.

    So, no I would not.

  18. ...oh, dear.

    Oh, Palin.

  19. Yes, 100% of the time!

  20. Two words: h**l, NO.

    And, such a person could try to make schools teach that nonsense, which would be Unconstitutional.  

  21. Then you must not believe in God.  

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